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Re: C-O-O-L Links here on Oasis

Postby Timothy » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:04 am

WOW! This is a wild and incredible read!
Offered as a FREE read, by Brandon Peace.

Absolutely Fascinating!
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Re: C-O-O-L Links here on Oasis

Postby Timothy » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:08 pm

After reading the posted
I was reminded of something that had happened a few years back.

It was a "gathering" of fellow Christians in a place called, "Freedom".
The, Gatherer, was there. So was a young boy with autism who had a fascination
with all things electrical and lights. The young lad noticed one of those
road side emergency, type lights around Brandon's vehicle. It was mid day
and no reason for the light to be on, yet the young fellow was fascinated with it!

Brandon would not let him turn it on and play with it at that time. Instead he told
the young boy he could turn it on when it got dark. Brandon told the young lad he
could be the, "Keeper Of The Light". And so it was.

A month or so later there was an on-line discussion on the origins of names.
The parents of the young autistic boy gave little thought to their son's name as
they had picked it out of a sci-fi story book. Out of curiosity they researched the origins
of their child's name. Expecting to find nothing as they believed it was just a made up
name out of a writer's imagination, they were amazed at what they had learned.

Long ago there was a temple of ten thousand lights. The priests who were charged with
the duty of keeping the ten thousand candles lit were called by the same name as their son.
So it was a long time ago, their boy's name meant: "Keepers of the Light".

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