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TRUTH or CON-Sequences

Postby Christianity Oasis » Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:06 am

Ever noticed how some "Learned Christians" respond to the lamb's cries by trying to feed these lost and hurting souls, which they encounter, (Or seek out) with specific aspects of the Word of God that suits their point of view or purpose of delivery, as to edify themselves ... And NOT by sharing the complete message within His LOVE LETTER to us ... Which edifies HIM?

Now ... When one of these lil ones chooses to entrust one of these "Learned Christians" and partakes of their teachings ... It can oft times feel more like being spoon fed nasty medicine that is so foul that one's NATURAL senses has them hold the nose and fight not to evacuate in one way or another.

While being "FORCE FED" ideologies that will NEVER heal. And how could they when the INTENT was to uplift the one who shovels out the ... You know.

The end result is obvious ... The lost and hurting soul eventually bails.

So would I ... Thank God for GOD.

That is NOT the TRUE essence of God's Word ... But, rather a carnal version of God's Word, usually being spoon fed by some empty soul who was lost and now claims to be found, but in reality ... Got too old to continue their exploits and now despise themselves and in some vain attempt ... Overcome their spiritual condition by going after those who still have a shot at TRUE understanding, by way of Grace and CON-vincing them that they must become sin free that moment or else ... As if the day THEY could no longer make such choices, was the day ALL others better have stopped.

They seek to keep souls OUT of Heaven by way of judgment and CON-demnation, when we ALL know (Even themselves) the TRUTH is that GOD sacrificed His own Son to get them into Salvation ...

How does one detect one of these rascals or rascalettes as to avoid em?

This type of predator will usually seek to have the individual go off in privy with them, as compared to sharing openly as for others to be able to make comments or "raise their hand in class" as to question what was being shared.

Beware this sort of ... "Learned Christian"

Discern well my friends in Christ ...

Here is TRUTH ... It is NEVER too late to seek and find God's abundant MERCY which brings forth HOPE and NEVER forget that there is NO human who is the mediator of this TRUTH.


FREEDOM from our past choices and HOPE for what can be ... Is abundant TRUE prayer and FAITH in HIM ... NOT ourselves.

Even for the "Learned Christian" ...

Luv all of ya
Jesus is coming ... Get your soul prepared.
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Christianity Oasis
Posts: 527
Location: Path to Heaven
Marital Status: Single

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