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December Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:49 am

It was no ordinary night. This was IT! The REAL thing!
An event that would change forever...FOREVER!

Put yourself in their place and just imagine.
Can you imagine the implications? :)

( When finished with the feature article, scroll down
the newsletter for a wealth of addtional information. )
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Re: December Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:28 am

Do ya think maybe, just maybe, when the heavenly hosts appeared
and began their praise, it may have sounded something like this: ... 892F06DB56
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Re: December Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:13 am

What do you think it might have been like for the shepards and others looking for the Messiah?
What were they going through that gave them cause to seek the Messiah?
What were they expecting of the comming Messiah?

What was it like for, you, before you came to the Messiah?
What gave, you, cause to seek the Messiah?
Did you get what you expected?

How has your, *forever,* been changed?

Is it like the telephone or TV or the internet, in that ya don't really know just how
they work, but we use it to our pleasure, at our convenience, anyway?

Are you able to see HIS work in your daily lives?

( Inquiring minds want to know... )
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Re: December Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:26 am

Over time my memory has gotten bit more cloudy with each passing year.
But, as best as I can recall... there was a slight crisp chill in the air that night.
A group of us had huddled around a small camp fire. The sky was clear and bright
with many stars flickery high above. The sheep lay at rest in the field. There was
the usual talk around the campfire.

Arron complained about the chill of the night. Ben felt he was entitled to be put
on the day shift. Sam complained about the expense of rent, food, and other
goods and sevices. Big Joe, who stood all 5 feet 3 inches - with sandles, complained
about the corrution of the governing authority. Little Joe, who stood well over six
feet, in agreement further complained of the corruption amongs the religeous circles.
Lucus thought out loud about the solutions to the problems of the diseases of the land.
Bernard voiced his rebelious thoughts of a forcefull undertaking. And we all pondered,
"Where was God?" "When will He send the long awaited one to save us from these ills of
society?" "Who is the strong military leader He will send to over throw the governing biggots
and hipocrits?" I looked at my watch. It past time for the shift change. I began to complain
of our brother's disrespectful tartiness.

As we stood there, just minding our own business, pointing fingers at each others unfaithfulness and sins.
Suddenly! Out of nowhere came this bright, vibrant, blinding, flash of light! We feared for our lives!
We all fell to our knees! We wanted to run and hide, but there was no place to run, no place to hide!

In this same split second an angel appeared and with a booming voice declared... "Fear not!"
"I bring good news of great joy to all people...!"

Seconds later the heavens opened up and "a lot" of others joined the angel in praise.
What joyous peace and glory filled the warmed night air!

and now you know, the rest of the story.
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Re: December Newsletter

Postby Timothy » Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:28 pm

Was trying to put into words what I was looking for in my Messiah.
Then I heard the song , O Little Town Of Bethlehem

This kinda sums much of it up:

"The hopes and fears of all the years,
Are met in thee tonight."
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