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Re: praying for the oposite sex

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:47 am

Pine I do agree with all of your comments but as I said before I do in little ways understand some of the concern
this what you speak of about the pastor not counseling you, this is one I am on the fence on cause on one hand I see the chance for a mans perspective to open parts of your mind or ideas where a woman may not have this ability
BUT I also know of the weakness that can sneak into the room between two people who are not even suspecting it
I want to put myself in this senerio....if I was the one to counsel but had this concern, I would want you to have privacy in your sharing with me BUT at the same time I would want it somehow public, maybe out at a park by the river or in a setting where visuable but private in conversation.
And this would not be as a non trust of you OR myself but a not trusting satan.
the same with my story I could understand if it were a man and woman going off behind closed doors to pray and no while there may NOT be anything hanky panky about it there is too much oportunity for satan to sneak in.
I am speaking of as you said in this church you attended the women and men praying for the same sex at the alter in front of the rest of the church.
This is why I brought this up cause I feel there is valid points on both sides but only in certain ways
Thank you for being a part and yes I enjoyed your input.
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Re: praying for the oposite sex

Postby grandma dolittle » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:26 am

Something is wrong with a church that separates the sexes. If God is truly in that church, no thought of human lust is present. Something is definitely wrong with that picture and I don't think it is the Holy Spirit because he isn't there.

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