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tests for autism
According to the BBC, scientist in the UK have finally found the brain patterns that autstic people have. This is exciting in that it is the FIRST definitive medical test to diagnoise autism or to find autism before the symptoms develope. Maybe, the next step will to be to find that one particular thing that all persons with autism have in common so the cause can be found. This is such a horrendous disease for both the person and the care givers.
The next step the scientist are going to do is to see if they can reproduce the same brain patterns with persons with Asperger's Syndrom and see it this is still part of autism or a different disability and should be trteated as separate. am very interested in this as I have a son with Asperger's.
The next step the scientist are going to do is to see if they can reproduce the same brain patterns with persons with Asperger's Syndrom and see it this is still part of autism or a different disability and should be trteated as separate. am very interested in this as I have a son with Asperger's.
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I John 4:4
grandma dolittle - Posts: 94
- Location: missouri
- Marital Status: Divorced
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