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Looking for opinions

Postby Ruthk34 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:57 pm

Ok I have been wanting to get more schooling to improve/change my career. I currently work as a home health aide a job I like but is going nowhere. I havn't seen a raise in 2 yrs because my company can't afford to hand out raises right now and I worry the company is going to go under eventually (this is only speculation). I have an oppertunity to take a course to become an EMT in the fall. My dilema is that as an EMT I would have to start at the bottom as far as wages go. I would lose $2.40 an hour(yikes!) but if I'm full time I would be working 48 hours a week instead of about an average 40 hrs a week that I do now. Plus there is oppertunity to advance in this field to higher levels. The highest I think is a paramedic.

My question is do you think the change would be worth the sacrifices Id have to make?
Money is tight now, the paycut would hurt a lot and We would have to give up things for a while. I think I could continue to work part time at my current job to stay afloat but not sure how that would work. The EMT shifts are 2 24hr shifts per week which would be hard on my family too because they wouldn't be able to see me for 24 hrs at a time. Then I ask myself what if the company does go under there would be a lot of compatition to find a new agency to work for since there is only a few. I hear they don't pay too well either. So if Istay where I'm at it could be just as disasterous for me but there is no way to know if the company will go under at all.

I am beside myself going back and forth. Please give me your opinions on this or if you see another way of looking at it let me know. *dunno*
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Re: Looking for opinions

Postby dema » Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:05 pm

Pray. Then picture yourself in 2 years. And then in five years.

What will your future self wish that you had decided?

What decision makes you feel more peaceful.

If you work 24 hours straight, then you probably get paid for sleeping part of the time. And you will have five days off.


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Re: Looking for opinions

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:08 pm

Hello Ruthk34 :)

God bless you this day.

You are looking for opinions. Well, my opinion is to continue reading The Spirit of Truth study, continue seeking the Lord, and building your relationship with The Holy Spirit, because He knows exactly what God's will is for you.

I know for myself, where I am today, is no where close to where most people would have advised me, had I asked their opinions, and no where close to what my own reasoning would have offered up. The Holy Spirit led me, and continues to lead me, and honestly, most days, I'm in completely over my own head, but it's always a ride. :) God can be trusted.

Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's will be made known to you, and be done.

God bless and keep you.
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