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What is mystery babylon?

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue May 01, 2012 12:47 am

Hi all,

I already wrote a long post on this but I must have done something wrong, as it seemingly didn't go anywhere and has disappeared. Maybe that was God telling me to condense a little bit and organize my thoughts a bit better. Well, now this is take two.

While not pretending to, or desiring to become, an expert on mystery babylon, and not claiming to be in a position to definitively answer my headline question, I have really read up on what mystery babylon is, and I believe whole-heartedly that God has provided me a relatively clearer picture.

First, what has become clear to me is that a lot of people approach this theme in a way that could be dubbed as 'hit and miss'. Some say that islam will become mystery babylon, others believe it will be a certain country. My response to this is that people might be well served to do some more research, without delving too much into, the original mystery babylonian religion. It is much bigger, intrusive and insidious that any single current exisiting man-made religion, or nation-state.

And if one doesn't take the time to really understand what the nature is of what will come up against them, they are at risk of being caught unaware, or even not recognizing it at all. Matthew 24:24, after all, says of the end time,'For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones.'

In short, the mystery babylonian religion will most likely not be some single, easy-to-identify entity that just wants to absolutley replace everything else. In true satanic style, it will most likely be far more subtle, attempting to sneak its occultic ways into everything, above all the church of Christ (which is probably already hapening in many churches across the world), deceiving, if possible, God's elect.

In this way, I am quite sure that satan, who is happy to accept elements of truth within people, as long as he can infuse his lies into it, will be quite happy for people to profess to be Christians, and walk around professing this, while at the same time (perhaps even unknowlingly) accepting elements of mystery babylon.

Moreover, if one does their research they can already see that many, if not all, other religions have elements of mystery babylon fused throughout them.

Just a final note. Ephesians 6:12 tells us, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.'

I am not presenting conspiracy theories here, but I suggest, to anyone interested, that they watch Alex Jone's expose on Bohemian Grove, a place where the rich and powerful meet. Without advocating the documentary-makers underhanded methods in obtaining info, it's worth knowing about the sort of things many of our leaders get up to. It's mystery babylon through and through.

Also, the more one's eyes are opened to mystery babylon, the more they see its trademark numerology and symbolism, in mainstream media, corporate logos and so on.

As a basic example, check out the pyramid on the American one dollar note. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's fact that mystery babylon is no new fad. Also, check out the light towers surrounding the London Olympic Stadium, not to mention many other bizare elements regarding the London Olympics. Just check out a picture of them on the internet. Mystery babylon.

One can get too obssessive about this, I know, but there is no point denying what is in plain view. And to deny that there is a vast satanic globalist agenda (what some refer to as a 'new world order'), that includes a one-world spirituality-religion that is closely connected to what is refered to as 'Mystery Babylon', is to deny the holy word of the bible. Simple as that.

I'll stop there. If it doesn't get through, I'll take that to mean God wants me to work harder on condensing points and letting Him organize my thoughts.

Anyway, would be interesting to converse with anyone on this topic. God bless you all.
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