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Evangelical letter

Postby all_for_jesus » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:06 am

Dear Soul,
Before throwing this letter, please first read, meditate on it and give a honestly answere with all your heart to God. Don’t thinking that I want attract you in the religion were I am member(Pentecostal). I’m not Pentecostal, but Christian. First people who have turned to Jesus Christ and receive Him as personal Lord and Savior in their lives, were called christian, not Pentecostal, orthodox, catholic or otherwise. Dear soul, have you ever thought about your life, why you are on this earth, what is your purpose of your live’s, why you live and fight? Again, I do not call you at the Pentecostals, but to Jesus Christ who died for me and for you, who unjustly shed blood on the cross for me and for you to wash us from sins. I will ask again, give an honest answere from all your heart to God after reading this letter. I want to tell you a good news! God love you from all His heart, but the question to you is: do you love God? God’s Word( the Biblie or Holly Scripture ) says: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. Please stop on this verse, thinking and meditate on it! What’s meaning for you the word “so”? God’s Word doesn’t say’s that for God loved the world, but for God so loved the world… In this simple word “so” we can understand and see a great love of God toward us. Honestly to say, we don’t deserve God’s love and mercy, but we see that He loves us so much even if we upset by things who are not pleasing in His sight. God love you too and this is proved by the fact that He sent His only Son to the earth to save you. Dear soul, do not for you too, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ? Do not for you too, Jesus Christ was mocked, spat upon, crowned with the thorns, whipped, nailed to the cross and pierced with the spear? Do not for you too, Jesus died, rose again, ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God interceding for you? The answere, will give you by depending how you decide and choose to live on. On the cross, Jesus said: “I’m thirst”! Those who were present, soldiers and scoffers of that time, gave Him to drink vinegar with gall. In fact, Jesus wasn’t thirst for water, but for our love. Do you want give to Jesus from your love, no matter how small it is to quench the thirst that He have? I want to tell you that I will not trying to give you something in exchange of your salvation, but the Lord is God who will give you something special if you receive Him as personal Lord and Savior into your life. Maybe you will not believe what I say, but I advise you to research what is it written in this letter and will see the outcome of your life. Maybe you’re ashamed of what your friend , your parents, your family will thinking or say about your decision of your life that you made it, but please, don’t looking at them but at Jesus Christ who endured everything for you that you be saved. Jesus is your friend. Jesus in Heaven and watch over you that you have a good, better and happy life. Look at the sky because there is Someone who is waiting for you with open arms to embrace you and wish you “a great welcome into His Family”. Have you ever wondered what happens with you after you die? Were you get? You think you’re sure you will start tomorrow to say: I have time to repent? Jesus say this: “Today if you hear my voice, harden not your heart”. Please, if you hear today Jesus voice, give a answere, receive Him into your life. I want tell you a story! A young woman began at the time that can’t sleep. It was God’s calling. Realizing God call, she wake’s up from bed and write into a notebook that next year she will repent. The next night, same problem. The young woman could’nt sleep and wakes up again and write again in the notebook that one year is much and that over one month she will repent. In the third night the young woman again could’nt sleep. She wakes and again write in the notebook that over one week she will repent. In the fourth night she again could’nt sleep. God call her again to repent. She wakes from bed and write again in the notebook that even a week is much for God and that tomorrow(after the fourth night of insomnia), she will repent. In the day after the fourth night of insomnia, the young woman who went by car to solve her problems, died in an accident without being saved. God give you unaccountable chance to you that you can choose what is right for your life. He let you choose, you have life forward. Put God first in your life. Dear soul, for God even tomorrow is to late that you repent. So, today if you read and heard God voice, please harden not you heart and choose Jesus. Please, don’t make like this young woman who delayed calling of God, until she died and went to hell. Do you know what God requires from you in exchange of his Son? He don’t want gold, nor wealth that you have(if have it) or your money, but one thing He want from you and this is: YOUR HEART! Dear soul, when you want to repent? Are you sure of tomorrow? If Jesus said “Today”, please don’t hesitate this unique and great opportunity to be saved. I told you, don’t be shame of Jesus, God and of the Salvation that He offered to you. Come to Him with confidence and say: I want to be entirely yours, so let me follow you and help me to go on straight ways. Finally, I want suggest you something. If you want to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior into your life, come in any church were God is truly known to learn more about His Kingdom. Come and enjoy with all those praise God. I want ask you one more thing at the end. If you have decided to follow Jesus and to surrender Him, please tell to others, whoever are they, how wonderful is to be with the Lord. I wish that God open your spiritual eyes and to bring you at the right path. Think well and choose: Eternal Life or Eternal death and torment? Grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holly Spirit be with you. Be blessed!
Last edited by all_for_jesus on Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evangelical letter

Postby all_for_jesus » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:20 am

Who read this letter, please help me by correctly mistake's from the letter if existing and you may also distribute to other who didnt meet Jesus and didnt receive him as personal Lord and Savior.
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Re: Evangelical letter

Postby Upward » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:18 pm

Excellent God be the glory
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