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Thank The Lord for His provision

Postby Mackenaw » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:43 pm

Today, while my husband was mowing our front lawn, a neighbor who lives a few houses down from us, approached my husband and asked him if he likes Goya black beans. My husband said yes. The man went to his car, opened the trunk, and retrieved a case of Goya canned black beans. This man works at one of the manufacturing plants and was given 3 cases -- an occasional employee perk. He then gave my husband a case, another case to another neighbor, and kept one for he and his family.

Thank You Jesus.

God is so very Good. I love to watch how He works, and who He works through.

Praise God!!!

Lord, You are so beautiful to me.

God bless and keep you all.
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Posts: 2424
Location: NY
Marital Status: Married

Postby lizzie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:54 pm

Thank you Jesus! *Pray*

Ok folks, pack your bags and take your hungry tummies with ya! We are goin off to Macks house for a whole lotta Goya bean casserole lol

Thanks for sharing sister *hug* God really does move in such wonderfully unexpected ways sometimes.
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