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Postby phantomfaith » Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:14 pm

WOW I am really pleasantly surprised at all the replies to this post. I figured no one would touch it lol glad some of you are thinking on it.

Dearest Deep my sister in Christ :) thanks for your reply, I must say though that those questions you answered werent mine. The entire story I got from a website. Except for the couple sentences at the top lol Yes I agree it is biased but most every news story is biased. You get the news form the MSM and its all biased for whatever cause they are agreeing with at the moment.

Then you get stories like these from alternative news sites who are fighting for their cause. Its good to listen to both but believe neither completely lol Especially the MSM but thats me being biased against them more than the other, for the other for the most part, has no money to gain or products to sell lol

Each quote is followed by or before the person who made it or from the agency that released it if you want to google them u may find more info on why they would make such claims. If you like I can PM you the website I got this from so you can look into it more. Other than that I dunno nothin except I wouldnt accept any vaccines or medicine from these people and yet I respect your views if you wish too :)

God Bless you all :)
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Postby Mackenaw » Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:27 pm

Hello Everyone :)

I can't let this pass without giving my 2 cents.

"War, children, it's just a shot away. It's just a shot away"

Actually, this song came into my mind earlier, but I was's just a Shout away -- and yes, I was reminded of End Times. :)

Awww, blessed Lord, gimme shelter.

God bless and keep you all.
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