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Russian submarine bearing an Iranian flag

Postby morningrain » Sun May 16, 2010 7:14 pm

I recieve this in my email yesterday, started to post this then but then i decided to wait and see if i could fins this report else where. I've now watched it spoken of on a News station.


ISRAEL: It has just been revealed by an American Genral that a Russian submarine bearing an Iranian flag docked in Beirut this past week. The crew were all wearing gas masks and the sub was laden with chemical weapons for Hezbolah in Lebanon. There are 50,000 to 60, 000 rockets and missiles that have come in to Lebanon from Syria that they know of as well as scuds.

The rockets and missiles have been planted in houses, buildings and orchards. A large tunnel system is set in place in South Lebanon, which goes under the fence and will take suicide bombers very quickly in to northern Israel.

Lebanon has been locked down for the past 10 days. Passports, internet service etc. All those who have been associated with the Jews are being rounded up, imprisoned and some assassinated. There have been many assassinations already. The Jews and Christians in Northern Lebanon are also in danger.

The intelligence that Israel has tells them that Lebanon will stand with Hezbolah against Israel as will Hamas. They are planning to hit them from both the Gaza and the West Bank as well as from the Lenanon border. All the while the IAF has got to keep their eye on Iran.

The General did say that Israel is well prepared. They are ready for either a pre-emptive strike or defensive action. He said that they will not make the same mistakes they made in the last war with Hezbolah.

The General believes that this is going to be the tipping point in the Middle East. They are not sure if America will be with Israel or not. They have no faith or trust in Obama. Let us all pray in to this as the Holy Spirit leads. He is the only one who knows where the first strike will come from and whether the U.S. will be with Israel or not.

May we be in prayer together for Israel.
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