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Postby hope2trust21 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:13 am

My name is Linda, and I ask for your prayers for medical as I have recently been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis which is a weakening of the vertebrae in the neck, although the doctor tells me it is a mild case, the symptoms have been anything but. Compile this on top of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and wow, what a punch! Just one more thing since an auto accident that occurred in 2006, to which I have undergone both shoulders being operated on and three back surgeries. I ask for your prayers that God will show me the path I am to take now that I can no longer work, what is His plan for my life. I also ask for prayer that God will guide and strengthen me, as any task I do around the home just exhausts me and brings on headaches. Each day I awake because of pain and the day starts with medication and continues through the day, often times I find I need to just lay down and do nothing, but that is not me and is very hard to do. I have been reading the book of Job, as I believe there will be words of encouragement and guidance from God and encouragement from Job there. But for now, I will keep moving forward each day and trusting in God that all is for His glory.

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Re: Medical

Postby redbandit » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:31 pm

I will be praying for you! So sorry to hear you are in such pain
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Re: Medical

Postby Dora » Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:41 pm

I am so sorry for your pain. I know it can be depressing amongst other things. :( praying.
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Re: Medical

Postby Mercy&Grace » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:00 am

hope2trust21, chronic severe pain is exhausting, so is the fibro. Praying for you.
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