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Prayer for my significant other

Postby SearchOfPeace » Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:27 pm

I ask that we please pray for my significant other. He has friends who are of bad influence and i pray that God allows him to see that the things those people do and he does is not right in God's eyes.
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Re: Prayer for my significant other

Postby Parcy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:36 am

Rippled by the affects of one's own tree, the good nature does not compromise the bad nature if we adhere.
there is a cause in which we can stand to understand it all,
thus some people just need to stop, back scroll.
hear them all and stand with them, let them be triggered back into your great harmony
vouch for them to print out that double scroll.

This is the prayer for searchofpeace's significant other to find God's way overall

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