Praise--procedure info

Well, grandpa and I had our duo procedure
. We both went in, He got out before I went in about 30-40 min, anyways I was sitting there with the IV in my arm for about 30 min, when they finally took me back the nurse hooked me up to oxygen and the heart monitor haha i was dead becouse of the things on my chest wasnt right anyways the y said this would burn so it didnt really burn all i remember is feeling a lil burn and severe sleepy but i tried to stay awake, next thing i knew someone asked me to turn on my back, well I had slept 2 hrs after the procedure
, the procedure waso nly 10 min. Well he said it waso nly irritated and gave me a med well the med isnt coveredo n insurance so i gotta wait til mon n callb ack. My throats so sore, anyways when we got out we went to eat , i didnt want to eat becouse i felt nauseous so i went to bed when we got home, so grandma went to the pharmacy to get something for grandpa, i got up n threw up, and went to tell grandpa who was on phonewith dr. So i took some mylanta and i was fine, didnt eat til the next morning.