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Prayer for cleansing and short scriptural confessions

Postby saint701 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:51 pm

Hello all of you wonderful cool Christians..always time for getting on the face before the Lord, and standing on His word in faith. Love with smiles, saint701.

We all have weaknesses. That is the reason for the prayer chain. We pray for each other. That opens the door to the Holy Spirit to begin helping us become stronger. We all need to understand just how helpless we are without the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Here is another prayer I pray each day for all of us: Oh my God, my precious Father, abba Father, I beg you to remove guilt and pollution from me this day, and produce clarity in my mind, purity and peace in my heart. Please cleanse me by the precious blood of Jesus, by your word, and by the influence of your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Father, in Jesus name I pray. (This is one side)

The other side is to believe what is said about us in scripture is true even if we do not see it in ourselves yet. We call things that are not as though they are, which also allows the Holy Spirit to begin transforming us. This, of course, is called "Faith," which is part of the pathway to redemption. I have many confessions of faith, but do not wish to overload you. Here are two confessions for you.

Romans 6:11, I am dead to sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. (Say it with conviction)

Romans 6:14, Sin does not have dominion over me, for I am not under the law, but grace. (ditto)

Have a great day! Smiles, saint701.
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