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Please pray for my friend

Postby Misfit of God » Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:03 am

I've never posted on this forum before, so hopefully this is the right place.

My friend Harry (who is an Athiest) hasn't had the easiest life. He's had problems with alcohol and drugs since a young age. His parents are divorced, and he lives with his father who he says is rarely sober.

He also has anxiety.

Recently he became severely depressed after his girlfriend (the only thing that made him happy) broke up with him. He believes everything is pointless and that he is nothing without her. He doesn't think he has any worth and feels alone and thinks he has no one.

He became really suicidal yesterday, and even though today he told me he doesn't have the guts to actually kill himself I'm worried he will eventually.

He's just so lost and broken and all he wants in life is love. I don't know what to do/say anymore. Nothing I say seems to get through to him. He believes nothing will help him so what's the point in trying anything?

We live long distance so I can't be there for him physically.

I keep praying to God that he'll help him, but idk if my prayers are getting through.

It would mean alot if you could pray that God will help him, heal the hurt and loneliness inside, show him his love and help his life to get better somehow.

Thank you:)
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Misfit of God
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Re: Please pray for my friend

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:12 am

I join you in lifting up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus on behalf of your friend. God's will be done.

Just a blessed reminder: God loves your friend more than you are capable of because God is Love :) and The Lord does hear your loving prayers for your friend. :) The Lord loves you, too.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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