Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

Didn't Love myself

Postby realtmg » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:27 pm

I never loved myself. I lived on false pride and fear. I wore a mask of who I was and what I wanted. And just because I am a COOL Staff member here on this site doesn't mean I have all the answers and do not have to deal with problems each day. I have found that if I do not participate in any of my addictions to ease the pain, that , God will provide me with a solution. And sometimes I have to experience pain for a season. But I have learned to find out what God wants me to learn from this. At least now I have hope and know He would provide. Until I could humble myself and realize I needed help I could not go forward. I come to Oasis as a real person. I am just like you. The only difference is that by God's grace, I have learned that if I do what is right and am honest, I can feel at ease. I make mistakes. I always will. And now I have no problem admitting them. God made me. He didn't make me by mistake. All the pain I went through was of my own making. I accept this. Today is a new day for all of us. God can and will work in a mighty way in you if you will do a few simple things. The poll that ran said that 57% of the people didn't feel comfortable in sharing. I Know that feeling well my friends. But, God gives us people to help us if we see the opportunity. And in return, we can help others. I want nothing. All I want is for us all to have life more abundantly. I have found that this is a process. Beware, The road to success has many tempting parking places. I said all that to say this. I encourage all to share in some way. My e-mail is posted if you choose to only share with me. I will not disclose you. You have a real friend and if I do not have the wisdom or answer, we will find it. The COOL Crew here are very compassionate and caring. Take the opportunity to share with us.
I do not pretend to have all the immediate answers. I can tell you that God has taken the pain away and I have a new attitude on life. I use to be such a negative person. It was terrible. Now I'm grateful and try to stay humble... I try to be real in all things. Jesus has given me a real heart and real love. I'm here to tell you that I went though lots of pain and misery to get where I am at today. I can turn that negative into positive by sharing my experience , strength , and hope with you. Some people freak out and cant understand that I care as much as I do. All I can say is God has called me to care. He can use people who has lived as I to help some. Many do not know much about me. My testimony is posted under Testimonies and Truths, "Living Real". I have spent time in prison's, jails, and even mental institutions. I am not proud of this. I used to be so ashamed I began to isolate myself. I am still learning how to be assertive and share. It has gotten easier. I gad to turn my will over to His.But, I say this to humble myself and let you know that God can bring you out of pain and misery. Some that know me here knows this and accepts me. If you only knew all that I have been through and how God has brought me through. I got so depressed at one time in my life that I waned to die so I shot myself. God would not let me die. I am here because HE wants me here. I want nothing accept to see God smile and all you who are hurting smile. Luv ya. For Real!!!!!!!!! REAL Solutions KeepOnWalkin
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Postby mlg » Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:24 pm

Real you are so real. Life for me hasn't been easy either, but once I found God, it became easier. Each day is a step, each step has been paved, at first we are sinking in quick sand, but with Jesus, we now are walking on a smoother path. Sometimes that path still takes little twists and turns, but if you keep one foot on the path at all times, you will never be Lost again. Love ya and thanks for the post. *saint*
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Postby kimberly » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:54 am

Amen, Real...we can't give away what we don't have. Learning to love ourselves the way God sees us is important....if we want to give God's love to others, we must first have it.

I had to learn God's love was not based on my performance. He did not love me more or less, depending on how 'good' I was, or how much I did for Him. He loves me no matter what. Once I learned to trust in that, I could go ahead learning how He wanted me to behave towards others. :)

Thanks, Real, for posting your message here.
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