Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who would like to share thoughts and faith which will enhance Spiritual Growth.

July 19

Postby Sylvia » Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:33 am

Jesus looked at the man. Jesus felt love for him. Jesus said,
"There is still one more thing you need to do. Go and sell
everything you have. Give the money to the poor people. You
will have a reward in heaven. Then come and follow me." The
man was very sorry to hear Jesus say this, and he left. The
man was sad because he was very rich {and wanted to keep his

-- Mark 10:21-22 (ERV)

The Bible has heart-wrenching stories of men and women who came to know
the will of the Lord and yet were not willing to respond because
something was holding them back. I'm sure you know someone -- that
someone may even be you -- who has something holding him or her back
from totally surrendering to the will and grace of God. Please pray for
them today. While we cannot ensure these people will ever respond to
God's offer of grace, at least we can pray that they will be lovingly
confronted with the decision to accept or reject the will of the Lord.

O LORD God Almighty, I confess that there are times when I want you to
more forcefully reveal yourself to friends of mine who will not
surrender to your grace. I know that you will not overpower their
wills. I know that you want our hearts and not a forced, coerced, or
manipulated and shallow response to your offer of salvation in Jesus.
So please use me and my influence to be a helpful, tender, and clear
example to my friends who have not decided to follow your Son. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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Postby lizzie » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:53 pm

Amen *Pray*
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