Christianity Oasis Forum

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Overcoming the World Announcement

Postby Sylvia » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:26 pm

I wanted to let you know of some changes being done to Overcoming the World.
On Tuesday nights we will be meeting as usual but it will be focused on people dealing with someone with addictions. It also will be for people who have addictions.
God has been slowly molding "Overcoming the World" to be a place where people who are dealing with someone who is addicted, can come together and discuss it, pray together and be there for each other.
If you are someone who deals with this problem feel free to come and join us for we need each other
In Him
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Postby lizzie » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:21 pm

Sylvia sis *hug*

Sounds exciting :)

May God continue to guide you into His perfect will.

GBU sis


Keep shining that light for our Lord :)
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