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Thought for the Day - March 21
Luke 22:42 "Father if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; yet not my will, but thine be done."
The human side of Jesus did not want to go through the pain and suffering of the cross. But He knowing it was the will of His Father who sent Him, that He should suffer and die for us; gave Himself willingly that God's will would be done.
Let us pray that God would touch our hearts this Easter season and renew our walk with Him.
Luv Ya
The human side of Jesus did not want to go through the pain and suffering of the cross. But He knowing it was the will of His Father who sent Him, that He should suffer and die for us; gave Himself willingly that God's will would be done.
Let us pray that God would touch our hearts this Easter season and renew our walk with Him.
Luv Ya
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