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Forever Secure
There’s nothing more encouraging and comforting than realizing that at rebirth, believers have all they will ever require to be pronounced innocent before Christ’s judgment seat! I often wonder how many believers there are who may at least wish or hope that rebirth is permanent. One truth is certain, it requires God to give the understanding that there is nothing He does in Christ that is not permanent! Unless I’m wrong, I have yet to encounter anything in His Word that appears to refute this issue. Yes, there is a change in the manner of dispensing His plans and mind between the OT and the NT, but this only concerns Him revealing more of His mind in all He is going do.
In His choosing Israel to be the first dispensing of the revelation of Himself to man, He has retained those who believed in Him (Jn 14:1), and the Jews who believe in Him at His last coming, them God will also retain and complete His plans for them in the Millennium. The only changes God makes are those concerning the manner of the dispensation He chooses to use to reveal His will. I have learned though, that the primary delay in understanding the issue of permanent security in Christ is in attempting to attribute to ourselves (other than receiving) anything that either effects and retains salvation.
It’s clear to all that only God effects salvation, but I believe the fullness of this understanding is gauged in how we comprehend its retention (afto pou paragei apokleistika, diatirei apo mono tou; what solely produces, solely retains; literal: what it produces exclusively, it maintains on its own). The Scriptural order is that salvation procures works, and not the inverse (believing and receiving are not works but gifts). Works manifest and not produces! James 2:24 “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified.” In this context, “justified” is defined as “to show or manifest one is righteous.” Not “to make one righteous,” as in Rom 8:33, “It is God who justifies.”
NC (apologize for the winded prologue)
Forever Secure
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Ro 8:1). If this can be successfully shown, many a doubt will disappear from weary hearts. In turning to John 5:24, we see “Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but is passed from death into life.”
Who has the authority to pronounce absolute unconditional security of the believer and to guarantee immunity from coming judgement? None other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Quickener of the dead! His right and authority to announce beforehand the ultimate destiny of His own is unquestionable. Instead of standing in the dock as sinners and rebels, we shall sit on the bench as judges (1Co 6:2, 3).
At the Rapture, the believers are raised in glory (1Co 15:43). Consider the absurdity of believers in their glorified bodies, crowned and robed, morally and physically like the glorified Lord Jesus, standing trial before Him to see if they are fit for heaven and glory. A mere casual examination of the Scriptures must reverse such a conclusion.
The Judge was once God’s victim on the Cross for our sin (2Co 5:21). He bore our judgment, divine judgment due us. Our trial and judgment at Calvary are long since passed (since eternity past He’s known who will be His—NC). We are completely beyond judgment as is the Judge Himself. “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the “Day of Judgment,” because as He is, so are we in this world (1Jn 4:17).
The feeblest and weakest of the Lord’s own are as safe from judgment as is Christ. Do not permit your assurance to be shaken by either your thoughts of unfitness, or the use of certain passages of Scripture that are wrested from their meaning and applied by blind leaders of the blind to undermine themselves and others.
We refer to such Scriptures as Matthew 24:13: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” An examination of the context will immediately clear up any doubt as to the meaning of this Scripture. There are dispensational differences in the Word, and this one has to do with the tribulation period.
Then, many have been troubled by Hebrews 6:1-12. This Epistle was written to Jewish professors who had renounced Judaism and turned to Christianity. These were in danger of apostasy from Christianity; therefore, there would be nothing else to turn to but a fearful looking forward to judgment (10:27). Verses 9 and 10 (chp. 6) show true believers, while the others were mere professors and not believers at all.
Condemnation is future and necessarily succeeds judgment. Romans 8:1 states no judgment and no condemnation. What a glorious position for the believer!
In His choosing Israel to be the first dispensing of the revelation of Himself to man, He has retained those who believed in Him (Jn 14:1), and the Jews who believe in Him at His last coming, them God will also retain and complete His plans for them in the Millennium. The only changes God makes are those concerning the manner of the dispensation He chooses to use to reveal His will. I have learned though, that the primary delay in understanding the issue of permanent security in Christ is in attempting to attribute to ourselves (other than receiving) anything that either effects and retains salvation.
It’s clear to all that only God effects salvation, but I believe the fullness of this understanding is gauged in how we comprehend its retention (afto pou paragei apokleistika, diatirei apo mono tou; what solely produces, solely retains; literal: what it produces exclusively, it maintains on its own). The Scriptural order is that salvation procures works, and not the inverse (believing and receiving are not works but gifts). Works manifest and not produces! James 2:24 “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified.” In this context, “justified” is defined as “to show or manifest one is righteous.” Not “to make one righteous,” as in Rom 8:33, “It is God who justifies.”
NC (apologize for the winded prologue)
Forever Secure
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Ro 8:1). If this can be successfully shown, many a doubt will disappear from weary hearts. In turning to John 5:24, we see “Hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but is passed from death into life.”
Who has the authority to pronounce absolute unconditional security of the believer and to guarantee immunity from coming judgement? None other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Quickener of the dead! His right and authority to announce beforehand the ultimate destiny of His own is unquestionable. Instead of standing in the dock as sinners and rebels, we shall sit on the bench as judges (1Co 6:2, 3).
At the Rapture, the believers are raised in glory (1Co 15:43). Consider the absurdity of believers in their glorified bodies, crowned and robed, morally and physically like the glorified Lord Jesus, standing trial before Him to see if they are fit for heaven and glory. A mere casual examination of the Scriptures must reverse such a conclusion.
The Judge was once God’s victim on the Cross for our sin (2Co 5:21). He bore our judgment, divine judgment due us. Our trial and judgment at Calvary are long since passed (since eternity past He’s known who will be His—NC). We are completely beyond judgment as is the Judge Himself. “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the “Day of Judgment,” because as He is, so are we in this world (1Jn 4:17).
The feeblest and weakest of the Lord’s own are as safe from judgment as is Christ. Do not permit your assurance to be shaken by either your thoughts of unfitness, or the use of certain passages of Scripture that are wrested from their meaning and applied by blind leaders of the blind to undermine themselves and others.
We refer to such Scriptures as Matthew 24:13: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” An examination of the context will immediately clear up any doubt as to the meaning of this Scripture. There are dispensational differences in the Word, and this one has to do with the tribulation period.
Then, many have been troubled by Hebrews 6:1-12. This Epistle was written to Jewish professors who had renounced Judaism and turned to Christianity. These were in danger of apostasy from Christianity; therefore, there would be nothing else to turn to but a fearful looking forward to judgment (10:27). Verses 9 and 10 (chp. 6) show true believers, while the others were mere professors and not believers at all.
Condemnation is future and necessarily succeeds judgment. Romans 8:1 states no judgment and no condemnation. What a glorious position for the believer!
The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ.'" -MJS
Netchaplain - Posts: 1024
- Location: Missouri, USA
- Marital Status: Married
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