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Stand There

Postby Netchaplain » Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:05 pm

The veil of the temple being rent from top to bottom. I see the holiness of God; but the very stroke which has thus unveiled His holiness has put away my sin that would have hindered my standing in the presence of that holiness. I see what my Father, in His holiness, has done for me in the person of His Son. In the Lord Jesus, God Himself has come down to me, and I am enabled now to go back with Him into the rest of my Father’s holy presence.

In the death of the Lord Jesus I see the fearful vengeance of God against sin; and the rending of the veil which displays His holiness and love for me. So the more the Father’s eye scrutinizes and searches me, the more it brings out the blessed truth that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. The light shows the whiteness of my robe that has been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. If I hesitate to stand in my Father’s presence, I am putting in question the value of His beloved Son’s precious Blood!

The very way in which I know my Father is through faith in His Son. I know His own love that He thought of this and did it for me. Why is it that some souls do not get this wondrous ample peace to be in His presence without a cloud on His love? Because they are telling God, and their own poor hearts, something short of this. Grace is to the sinner! If I can stand before God in my own righteousness, grace is not needed—“Christ hath died in vain.”

The Father will bring down your heart to your real condition. Then He can act in the fullness of His grace, according to the need of the heart that has discovered—that has shown—its need in His presence. The Father is manifesting that grace according to the value of the Sacrifice, now that the Lord Jesus is at His Father’s presence—fully and eternally accepted in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore nothing stands between us and our Father. The Lord Jesus give us only to know the fullness of His grace, who was willing to suffer all things, that He might present us spotless before His Father.

- J N Darby

Excerpt from MJS devotional for December 18:

“The man who imagines that things have got out of the Father’s hands, that they are not working out as He intended, or that Satan or his agents are really in control, is the man who is not in a position to give the Father the required cooperation in it all. This is unbelief. And unbelief is the greatest hindrance we can offer to the Father’s working. This cooperation is a matter of heart-attitude, of spirit, and means that we go quietly on, cheerfully and faithfully glorifying the Father where we are, not fretting or praying to be moved somewhere else.” -T. A-S.
The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ.'" -MJS
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