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Merry Christmas!

Postby DicipleofJesus » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:07 pm

It is what we say on Christmas Day: Merry Christmas! But is Christmas an occasion of merriment? Christmas is all about Jesus coming into the world as a baby to serve and to die for sins and enable us to have eternel life in Heaven if we choose it. Quite an occasion......or was it? When one talks about the Christmas story one does not include the part of the story that deals with concequences of Jesus' birth. The story involved the wise men who came to worship Him returning home by another route so as to avoid telling the king where Jesus was to be found. He was livid when he found out he was tricked by the wise men. So he orderred all male children three years and younger be killed, and the order was carried out. This is pathological behavior at its' worst. The parents of those children ,all presummably in white coffins were not thinking of merriment. At the inn they directed Mary and Joseph to the stable at the inn. The people at the inn went on as if nothing significant was about to take place. It was not a day of merriment for them either as they missed what was happenning, even if they were merry for unrelated reasons. So Merry Christmas? The deaths of all those male children alone ought to be a reason for acknowledgement of the somberness of Christmas. Many parents wept over the deaths of their male children. That is not a sign of merriment. Today people don't want to talk about hard times being experienced around Christmas time so as not to be a drag on others. And why is that? Bad times and difficulties don't take a holiday at Christmas time. The first christmas was a perfect example of that. So what is with MERRY Christmas! ? Why is it merry? A day of peace, that I can get. But Merry? I can get that from past Christmases. When I knew nothing of the above. Now that I do, I must be honest and challenge the merriment of Christmas.It is not my intention to turn Christmas into a somber day of depression. But to ask why all the merriment in light of the concequences of what was the first Christmas. It is a time I'd like to define as one where the deaths of those male children are acknowledged, They were killed to assure the King that Jesus was killed. But Jesus was not killed He was well alive. The king himself died while Jesus was a child. Yet so worried was the king of losing all his power to a baby once the baby became an adult. The King was not in good health mentally speaking. He had severe health problem(s). Such problems are defined in pathological psychology. Not much to be merry about,is there? But a day of peace it can easily be.
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