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Unity in Christ: Women of God!

Postby Paloma » Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:22 pm

I think that a lot of women in the body of Christ are confused in a lot of ways. First of all, we have a society that appeals to a thought that is centered around "independence". Then, within the Church of Christ, we have many different voices that give different messages about what a "woman of God" is. I think that the Bible should be the guide that every woman uses daily, and consistently. The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer and He can guide us through every choice that we make. God is freedom, while the enemy is all about bondage. God wants His children to have life more abundantly, and that is what Jesus came on earth to do. He wanted to give us life, and give it to us more abundantly. I think that the body of Christ can sometimes concentrate, and spend a lot of energy on frivolous issues. Jesus looks into the inside of us, and the changes that become visible happen from the inside out. God works in the inside of us, and then those changes become visible on the outside. I don't mean, nor do I ever intend, to become a source of contention and fighting. I believe the unquestionable Word of God, but I also know that sometimes people twist the Word of God around to fit their own needs. I have been to churches that believe that women shouldn't wear pants or makeup, and for me that was fine.

I am confident and self-assured enough that I could wear a dress, a skirt, or even a plastic bag and still feel blessed and joyful. While I complied to the traditions of that church, I was able to see how legalism drew people away from the church. The enemy doesn't care about whether you're wearing skirts or pants, but he does care about whether you are a believer in Jesus Christ, because hey, when you set your heart on serving God, the enemy sees you as a big threat. God wants to give us all life more abundantly, and I think that those words are powerful. God doesn't want us chained to any man-made concepts. Women, from all ages, I would want to reassure you all that God dearly loves you. I believe in letting the Holy Spirit do his job and convict us in all our ways. Let us not quarrel amongst ourselves, but let us be united. Every woman is a princess before God, and as dearly loved as we are, I truly believe that we need to concentrate more on what is in the inside than what is in the outside.

I have come to understand, though, that God has given us certain commandments with the intention of saving us a lot of hurt and pain. These commandments have been given unto us, not so that we may be condemned or be placed in bondage, but so that we may find a life more fulfilling and happy in Jesus Christ. So, like any good Father, God will try to warn us about potential dangers. He knows us all too well, that He also knows our weaknesses. He warns us, He tries to speak with us in a personal level. He wants His daughters to live fulfilling lives, but sometimes we rebel and go our own way, and when we repent and give ourselves over to God, He is able to turn everything around with time. Whether you wear a skirt or a dress, or whether you choose to wear makeup and earrings or not, won't make you any holier than someone else.

Sisters in Christ,

God Bless!

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Re: Unity in Christ: Women of God!

Postby mlg » Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:25 pm

I think what all women of Christ should put on daily...and wear with a heart filled with love for God...God sees what's on the sees what's on the outside. I Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
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