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I see things....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:11 pm
by Blain
Sry i didn't know where else to post this. I need guidence, because i see things no one else seems to see. No i am not psychich i do no blieve in that but for example I go on walks alot and amost everytime i look into the sky i see a cross made out of light, it fills up a good portion of the sky and being made out of light it isn't a shape persay... this usually happens when i am more spiritualy aware of things. I can see things when god touches my heart, i feel and say things i never in my right mind would say. like when god peirced my heart with his love.. i say this because i saw his love and it was like a knife and it was glowing like knifes do when they are very hot. I feel love pouring out of my heart when he does this and i actually see it like its blood or something. so i say my heart is bleeding love for him. And on another forum i always speak from my heart and someone told me i was prophesying like crazy then three others randaomly told me i am going to be a prophet. Now i do not know about being a prophet but why do i see things like this and what does it all mean? I just want to understand this because it happens alot and i even met an angel using this although i have yet to know if it was an angel or a demon diguised as one.

Re: I see things....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:24 pm
by Maverick_Reborn

I suggest that you read the free online book offered on the bottom of the page in this link. *Wave*