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Hello all

Postby jayney » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:56 pm

Hello All,
I haven't been on for a couple of weeks as have been away. Just wanted to share the wonders that God is working in my life. My brother and I have been estranged for 5 years. He approached my parents saying he wanted to make peace with me as he has recently become a Christian. We spoke yesterday for the first time and it turns out that although we had no knowledge of the other's life we both felt called to become Christians the same week in April. How amazing!! I will finally get to meet my neice who is 4. God is awesome!
Also, when talking to my husband about God and yesterdays church service I attended, we sat in a pub last night and the Jukebox was on random where it plays a song every 5 minutes chosen by itself as no one has put any money in. My husband is not a CHristian and comes from a family that are very anti christian but he was interested in what I was saying and said maybe in the next few weeks he may come to church with me to see what its about. The jukebox then started playing this Rock song I had never heard which the main line was about God coming for you and calling you. Hairs stood up all over!!!!
Thank you God for the wonders you are working in my life!!! It has been a really tough few months but it keeps me going to know that God is with me.
Just wanted to share.
*Pray* *band*
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Re: Hello all

Postby Zemirah » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:07 pm

Wow! *hands*

that is really great jayney :) I loved reading about how your brother accepted Christ at the same time as you even though neither of you were aware and that this restoration has begun happening *hug* *hug* *Clap* and so great your husband is asking questions ........ that song, definitely hair raising material :) *Pray* Praising God with you
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Re: Hello all

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:41 am

Thanks for the testimony, Jayney. It is testimony such as this that really reinforces in one's mind that the world is not a random place, full of random things that are at the random mercy of random cause and effect. Rather, that there is a single Creator who, while sometimes just allowing things to happen, is overall very much in control of everything. Praise be to The Lord, and may he continue to work miracles in your family.
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