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Why Would God Keep Us In The "Dark"

Postby Lionhearted » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:50 am

Good morning you all and happy Tuesday! *Clap*

~Why would God keep the future (by-and-large) unknown?~

How would knowing the future affect life?

Would your faith be stronger or weaker if you knew the outcome of some of your circumstances?

What are your thoughts about how this question would affect your life?

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Postby mlg » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:33 pm

Well we wouldn't need Faith at all...just as when we get to Heaven...all the things we have hoped for and believed in through Faith will be fulfilled...therefore we won't need faith anymore as we will be with God and all things will be revealed.

But...I think God doesn't reveal His plan as to see if we will believe upon Him....cuz if we know ahead of time...His plans...then we wouldn't have a need to rely upon God's strength in this lifetime.

That's my 2 cents sis.


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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:21 am

lion said: What are your thoughts about how this question would affect your life?

i think that if i wasn't "in the dark" i would have a tendency to sin, and not be faithful ... afterall, not having faith in Him is sin.

using the last three years of my own life; most of you know what we've gone thru in loosing our business then hubby's job, then our house; moving to bc for the military, and that not panning out, now moving back east to saskatchewan for a job because his ui was running out (which, move day is today btw ... family's still sleeping lol) ... if i had known, back in april, when this all began ... how terrific the outcome was going to be, in march of 2010 ... there would have been no trusting in God, there would have been no hope in His Word and promises.

with not knowing the positive and good outcome, i've become much, much stronger in my faith muscles.

it does say that in His Word ... that He has good, not evil, planned for us .... but now i can flex my biceps of faith and the bulge will be there ... the next time i need it.

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Postby mlg » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:27 am

May the move go well for you all. Praying for you sis...see you when you return.

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Postby JCsmediator » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:04 am

Hi all as lion shared life amen to hope i must agree with when we except the Lord into our life we now no longer lead our lifes so like the Potter and the clay He molds and makes and Leads the way like the Potterer has to break the vessel and start again full surrender means having to start all over again Protection even to Protect us sometimes from our own ways and ownselves sometimes from messing things up and to accomplish wat He has for us GB u Lion and ur famee remembering His Ways Gods best to complete da Puzzle of His Grand Design and to prove our Faith and Love for Him prays and hope and my love too go wit hope to chat soon
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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:14 pm

Bacchus said: you really dont know how to respond to a query.....well, thats kinda me here, didnt know your situation and I may have come off sounding religous or even worse...I hope not......

No worries brother, this was a question that I had posed in one of the chats, I thought it would be a kewl thread, mostly because I learn lots from what others go thru as they are "fired" in the refining process.

I'm totally for walking into the heat of the furnace to have the impurities fired out of me.

One of my favourite verses is that one you quoted from the book of James ... and you know what? I've just recently found it most interesting is that what follows this call to persevere is a verse on wisdom ... isn't that kewl!!

3Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.

4But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.

5If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of [b]the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.

Neat huh?

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