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Letting go.

Postby goldieluvs » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:31 am

Most of ya'll know i smoke. Well, i keep getting sick. Allergies upper respiratory infections stuff like that. I have to quit smoking. I am tired of being sick all the time. And the only way i can get better is to stop smoking and let my lungs heal and get strong again. Its the hardest thing i have ever tried to give up. I know i have to yield to God and give Him control. I keep taking it back though. I was addicted to crack and the only way i stopped was by giving it to God and when i was tempted i would just pray until the feeling went away.

I have gotten lots of advice and different tips to quit and all are appreciated. People sometimes act like it is sooo easy and maybe for them it was easy to quit. Me, its been really hard. Even not being able to breathe good hasn't stopped me. I HAVE to give this to God and continually give it back to Him. I guess at this point, i am just asking for prayers to help me to yield and give this completely to God. Thanks yall i luvs u all much

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Postby Mackenaw » Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:02 pm

Hello Goldie *hug*

I'm praying for you, sweet Goldie.

God's blessed will be done.

God bless you, Goldie.
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Postby --- » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:03 pm

Goldie I am praying for you.
You have taken on a tough life changing task but it can be done.

I have never smoked so I am unable to speak about the hardshsip of doing what you are doing.
However I can sure appreciate your struggle. I experienced my husband John trying to quit smoking more than once. He finally accomplished to be smoke free 16 years ago, after he had been smoking for almost 30 years.

So will definitly be in prayer for your with all our lives we can do anything through faith in Jesus Christ.
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Postby saint701 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:27 pm

*AngelYellow* Hello Goldieluvs. I understand your pain, bunches, oodles, and gobs...smoking! Argggh!!!

Here is how I went about kicking the habbit.

1) I determined that I had to love Jesus enough to do it..that is, for me to have any kind of testimony others in bondage would accept, I had to be bondage free. So I prayed the Lord Jesus would take/receive smoking from me as a love gift..(I realize that makes little sense but faith doesn't have to make sense to anyone but the one believing).

Before you do much else it really does pay to examine yourself where tobacco is concerned..turn over every nook and cranny looking for any and all open doors to the, friends, hangouts, fears, depressions........examine your beliefs about there anyway you can diminish the significance of tobacco and increase the significance of God where it is concerned?....write that down..

I exercised my faith in His Word, Mark 11, vs. 22-24, Spoke to the mountain, Prayed, And began a confession...

Lord Jesus, your word says we shall have whatsoever we have believed you for. I believe you have freed me from tobacco, nicotine, tar, and all influences associated with it. I thank you for making me free from the smell, the desire and the taste of it, and all the negative benefits I derived from smoking. I hate tobacco. I hate the taste of it and I hate the smell of it. Thank you Lord Jesus that I am free from it! Amen!

Now you can also get someone to stand in agreement with you according to Matt: 18:19-20. Matt: 18:20 says that where 2 or more gather in the Name of Jesus, He is there right in the middle of them. Matt: 18:19 says if 2 or more agree as touching anything in God's house, Jesus is standing right there to make it good.

Matt: 18:18 says whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

The gospel of John ch. 14: 1-14 says that whatsoever we ask in his name he will do.

Ok, then, I for one am standing in agreement with you from now on..whenever you decide, or if you have already decided and have already put tobacco away...that any spirit of addiction or tobacco be bound this instant on earth where you are concerned, that this or any instant you choose you are loosed on earth from the bondage of tobacco in every way, shape, or form..I agree with you as touching the liberty that belongs to us in the kingdom of our Father, and know that you, Jesus, are standing right here with us as the mediator of our new covenant to make our agreement your working and power.

Now Goldieluvs you have all our agreement and all the word of God and all of the presence of Jesus to stand with you in your confession that you have been set free from tobacco in all its ugly facets. And you have the Father's promise that you shall have what you confess and believe for.

Ok, I didn't have anyone to agree with me or stand with me, but you have me, and you have Jesus, and am sure all else that have read this are standing too. Here is how it worked for me..I prayed...I believed that I received freedom..then thanked God daily in prayer for his deliverance and freedom until I felt spiritual strength pushing outward from inside to turn the stuff loose..haven't smoked since I obeyed the push from within which is His spiritual power to accomplish His will..which, of course, is that He wants us be free and has made provision for us to be free, even Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, I Peter 2:24..

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