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Letting Yourself and God Down?

Postby goldieluvs » Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:08 pm

Have you ever felt that you were letting yourself and God down? Have you ever been confused as to what the right thing to do is? I know i have many times. I seek answers through prayer and His Word, which lately has not been no where near as much as i need to be in. Worldly things are getting in the way, although they are necessary things, such as job and looking for a place to live. There are other things i struggle with as i am sure others struggle as well. But in my heart I know that Victory is allready won!! So, even though i mess up and don't always or maybe even half of the time do what i should do. Like Paul crying out Oh wretched man that I am. I can relate to that. But,, Paul got back up and praising God. I am learning and its taking practice for me.. but a valuable lesson i would like to share is that even in midst of storms, even when it feels like everything is out of control and you have no where to turn. You DO have someone who loves you and will help if you lean on him, Jesus!! I don't know that i will ever totally let go and give all control to God ( I would like to think that one day i will achieve that humbleness and let go of everything and place it in God's hands, but I also know that i tend to snatch things back). I am sure that there are lots of biblical ways to approach this, wisdom, discernment, prayer. We all have different ways of relating to God which is personal to each of us. If you feel comfortable please share what works for you,whether it be particular verses or something that really helps you to tune into God and His will. I am trying to leave worldly things behind to the extent possible although they do crowd in. So, I thought maybe if anyone feels led to share, we could all learn a lil... luvs u all
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Postby Mackenaw » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:36 am

Hello Goldie *hug*

There are several ways I do this -- when I'm involved in every day type things -- work, etc. -- I close my eyes for a moment and I say the name of Jesus. I think about Him, of Father God and The Holy Spirit.

If trials come my way, I take a few moments to be alone with Him.

I savor my time with Him -- just He and I. it is through my alone time with Him that I am able to do every day things and also to love others the way He wants me to.

There are occasions where I may be very busy, with many people around, and even though I may be enjoying my time with the others, it's as if suddenly He beckons me. I slip away silently for a few moments to meet with Him. I feel refreshed.

I love that we are able to talk to Him without uttering a sound. He is so amazing.

God bless you, Goldie.
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Postby comfy » Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:22 am

Yes, Mack, if I understand you right . . . it is good to stop whatever we are doing, at times, and be with God. And we have prayer communication deeper than words > the Holy Spirit prays "with groanings which cannot be uttered" (Romans 8:26) > not just in words, I think this means > groaning with love and appreciation for our Father, and groaning with compassion for ones in need, and also groaning in enjoyment of our brothers and sisters. So . . . it's loving . . . personal.

For me, personally > we have "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15) This shows me that God wants to personally rule me, right in my heart > this is so very personal, to have God right in my heart ruling me. So, this means being in personal submission to Him, Himself, not just trying to go by theories about what He wants, but at each moment discover how You personally share with me, and what You have me doing.

It's like that little chickie in its egg shell. It can suffocate in there, there can be quite a smell. But if the chickie pecks its way out, now little chickie can enjoy the fresh air and discover the other little chickies (o:

That shell stuff of yesterday's problems, desires, responsibilities, issues, trouble people > all this can come, first thing in the morning, to shut us in and limit us, and demand our *attention* a-w-a-y from God and His peace. So, first I need God to clear me of all that stuff coming right to mind in the morning, and get me into Your peace and see where *You* bring my attention in Your peace.

The brokenness we need is the breaking of that shell so we are open to God in His freshness caressing us with soul-soothing rest.
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