Christianity Oasis Forum
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stress causers
financial problems
marriage problems
stuck in a rut
family issues
job stress
self issues
past hurts
pysical problems
emotional problems
ummet desires or needs
get someone to be your prayer partner..where two or three agree together..
don't look for answers in our ways..His ways and thoughts are way above ours could ever be
remember, He wants to do us good..and lead us on...
behold He wants to do a new thing in us..throw off the old ...
if we have any of these, we need a break through
sometimes we get to comfy with our life and problems, and we hang on to them like comfy slippers...
or we think, this is way too hard,even for the lord to deal with...
we need to stir up our his word,pray...get ready, prepare for the break through
he is here to do us lets get ready for abreak through..start moving by doing something for him to work with...
love ya's all
marriage problems
stuck in a rut
family issues
job stress
self issues
past hurts
pysical problems
emotional problems
ummet desires or needs
get someone to be your prayer partner..where two or three agree together..
don't look for answers in our ways..His ways and thoughts are way above ours could ever be
remember, He wants to do us good..and lead us on...
behold He wants to do a new thing in us..throw off the old ...
if we have any of these, we need a break through
sometimes we get to comfy with our life and problems, and we hang on to them like comfy slippers...
or we think, this is way too hard,even for the lord to deal with...
we need to stir up our his word,pray...get ready, prepare for the break through
he is here to do us lets get ready for abreak through..start moving by doing something for him to work with...
love ya's all
3 posts
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