What can Christians do?

Good evening everyone! I have been pondering a question for quite some time now, so I decided to bring it here and ask for ya'lls input. You know how people look at Christians to see if we are living as we should and are considered as hypocrites if we do not walk worthy of our vocation which God has called us to do. I was watching Jesus of Nazareth tonight and in it Jesus was talking about not worrying about what we were going to eat or wear cuz God takes care of the birds, etc, and to only worry about today that tomorrow has enough troubles. (basic jest of it). At any rate, I have been thinking what is one thing that we can do so that others can see Jesus living in us and want Jesus in their lives? I am sure the answers will be varied. And i know i sin in many ways everyday, although i strive not to. I do believe that we are to continually strive to walk worthy and to shrug off the old fleshly way of living. So.. in thinking about these things, who better to ask than my family here at Oasis what they think can most show others that Jesus lives in us without being considered as hypocrites? Although I am aware that regardless of what we do, there will still be some who will continue to hold that perception. I am looking for how do we allow Jesus to shine in our bodies ? I know we will not be perfect and am not asking for a perfect answer, as we are all different with one common thread. So, how do we let others see that common thread??? Ok family lets see what the Holy Spirit shows us and spread it so that we all may learn more here!! Thank you all and luvs u all very much