not living up to my goals

Wow i tell u guys wat, it has been an uphill battle. So much going on in my life right now and lots and lots of changes coming up soon. Praise the Lord cuz I think He answered my prayers in a mighty way. I do know my body is His temple and while some things i have made progress in, such as being more kind and longsuffering, the goals i set for myself i havent succeeded at. But I know God loves me and is working within me in other ways at the moment. So I will go by His time. I know the goals i have such as getting in better shape and to quit smoking are attainable thru Him and Him alone. I gotta step out in faith and not falter. And if i do falter, i gotta pick myself back up. I am convinced that we are to strive to live righteously and follow Jesus example, I am still learning wat that means, but thats ok cuz God aint done with me yet. I just wanted to share that some mighty changes are taking place in my life. and I wanna thank God for making it happen, and when i least expected it too! So, i guess wat i wanna share is that even tho i have not met the goals i set for myself, some things I have been praying about, God opened doors. I am choosing to walk thru those doors. Thank you Jesus!