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not living up to my goals

Postby goldieluvs » Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:52 pm

Wow i tell u guys wat, it has been an uphill battle. So much going on in my life right now and lots and lots of changes coming up soon. Praise the Lord cuz I think He answered my prayers in a mighty way. I do know my body is His temple and while some things i have made progress in, such as being more kind and longsuffering, the goals i set for myself i havent succeeded at. But I know God loves me and is working within me in other ways at the moment. So I will go by His time. I know the goals i have such as getting in better shape and to quit smoking are attainable thru Him and Him alone. I gotta step out in faith and not falter. And if i do falter, i gotta pick myself back up. I am convinced that we are to strive to live righteously and follow Jesus example, I am still learning wat that means, but thats ok cuz God aint done with me yet. I just wanted to share that some mighty changes are taking place in my life. and I wanna thank God for making it happen, and when i least expected it too! So, i guess wat i wanna share is that even tho i have not met the goals i set for myself, some things I have been praying about, God opened doors. I am choosing to walk thru those doors. Thank you Jesus!

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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:21 am

awwww goldie, you such an encouragment, i think its great that you are growing !!!
i have made progress in, such as being more kind and longsuffering, the goals i set for myself i havent succeeded at.

sometimes we forget the major changing for ourselves is done on the inside where not everyone can see ...

So I will go by His time

that's the wisest thing you can do sis.

i can totally relate!! i remember saying to God, "i want to quit, i want to quit, please help me, why is it so hard" ... and the peace that He gave me was ... in time, it will happen in time. but for right now, i want to change your anger ... you prayed for patience, and that's the prayer that is getting the yes answering right now ...

i'm not say that He said ... i could smoke .... just that, i was trying to set the timetable and i really needed to follow HIS.

you follow His timing sis, your on the right track *hug*
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