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Something I want to stop

Postby goldieluvs » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:51 am

I want to stop smoking!!!! I have tried many times in the past and would make it like three days and give in. I have tried nicotrol inhaler and managed to quit for a few months, but I always end up going back. I have become convinced that God wants me to quit as my body is His temple and I am not treating it as I shuld. Course there are other areas, but i figure i need to be able to breathe to do the others. So, start with the cigs.. Im trying to decide between stopping cold turkey which i have done in the past or cutting down a little each day, Lion sis how did ya do it???? Anyone just help me remain accountable for quitting.. i wanna accomplish this and by accomplishing i mean staying quit. I have four cigs left before i gotta decide whether or not to go buy another pack, i dont want to fail again. So, i gotta decide whether or not to stop cold turkey, i do have some nicotine gum which is totally nasty but wuld help me thru the next couple days. Suggestions, encouragement and accountability im asking for!!!

Luvs u all
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:17 am

4 cigs left sounds like its an opportunityto quit!

I quit smoking in october when i rededicated my life to Christ

I set a date and stuck to it
I made a list of 3-4 things that i could do when i had the urge to reach for a cig.
mine were:
chewing straws, hard sugar free candy,
calling a friend
praying that God would remove the urge
and looking online at pics of lungs of a smoker
plus i had to quit because i had ulcers and the doc told me that it was a factor.

Hope this helps!

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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:59 am

wowza thats great jiwall !!! *Clap* ... i think i quit about a month after you did !

for me.... when i tried the nic. gum, nic. patch, carrot sticks (which incidentally worked for a friend of mine), ... all these things didn't work for me.

.... it seemed i would quit and be at my strongest ... and then every day i would get a little weaker and weaker. sometimes i could only go 1 day, others i could go for months; i quit once for 7 months; but it was sheer torture ... and i was not really worth being around LOL. finally, i just accepted the fact that i was gonna be a smoker because i wasn't gonna live my life in a constant fight of depreviation from the time i got up until i went to bed. and didn't think anything more of it. i figured that if the Lord wanted me to quit smoking He would have to reveal it to me supernaturally; afterall he had delivered me from other sins, that i was powerfully addicted to ... so, it would also be with smoking.

For me, it was understanding the reason i smoked ... which i didn't seek out on my own, it was revealed to me by our Lord. well, i asked Him ... but it was more tongue in cheek ... i was reading a book, and the author said, according to her research ... "... every area of bondage can be linked back to a lie"... i thought it was a pretty bold and blanketing statement ... so i asked Him.... because with my smoking, i didn't believe that it was bondage ... i believed it was just, like 'hereditary' sort of ... all my family smokes .... i just figured that was the reason, i grew up around it, so it was inevitable that i would also be a smoker.

wow did He humble me .... i was so wrong .... the author was right .... my smoking was a bondage and it was linked to a lie, that i started to believe when i was 5 years old.

i woke up that thursday morning a smoker at 3:30 am; still had nic. patches in the bathroom from the last time i tried to quit; had 1/2 a pack. and a full pack. in the cupboard. .... by 6:30 am that same morning i was delivered from my bondage by truth ... threw out the 1/2 pack and returned the remaining package (i know the lady at the store where i used to buy them)

thats why i now believe that addictions/bondages are very personal; at least it was for me.

perhaps there are some that it isn't this way; darrell (hubby) quit 4 years ago ... and he says when your done ... your done, you just know its time. he says, to this day he doesn't crave a cigg, and feels like he has always been a non-smoker!!

now in defense of my position and that of the author's research ... i believe that addictions are somewhat different for women than men .... maybe.

keep at it sister, you WILL get it .... well as an afterthought ... i did start to cut down years ago ... i gave up my morning smoke ... like i would do my work out first ... and then always try and push that first smoke off ... so eventually i didn't have my first smoke until sometime between 10 and 12 depending on what i was doing. at my point of quitting, i smoked 2 packs a week. for me it was a control issue ...

i don't know if thats the information you are looking for goldie? i will be praying for God to make His way clear for you and for you to faith in your choice, whatever that may be !!

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Postby flutemusic67 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:43 pm

Goldie Golderson! You want I should lecture you again? rofl

Wonder what God would say about quitting cold turkey or tapering it off?

Would He say in regards to other sins....ok just tell 10 lies today and murder 10 people today and then tomorrow, tell only 8 lies and murder 8 people, etc....?

Or does He know that it's best for you to stop it completely today and rely on Him to give you strength? Sure would strengthen your relationship with Him.....

You already know the answer. ;)

Love you, goldie!

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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:55 pm

lol flutey good point sis. I dont have any left and i havent gone to the store. So, ima try!!!! God help me!

Luvs ya flutey
Last edited by goldieluvs on Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby flutemusic67 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:27 pm

Goldie, I came in edit out that part about murder.....thought it sounded too harsh, but you have already read it.

Sorry, sis. Love you lots.

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Postby susidivah » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:32 pm

Hey Goldie, I myself have never really smoked, but I know several peeps including a good friend of mine and my dad who quit cold turkey and they say that's the only way to go. Give it to God, sis! However, I do like Jill and Lion's suggestions as well! It is sooooo important when you quit a habit or addiction to substitute it right away with something positive and pleasing to our Father...

I'm here for ya sis as well... praying for ya and holding ya accountable!!! *Pray*

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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:43 pm

awwww dont cry flutey sis *hug* u got ur point across. I did get a couple from my roommate to finish out tonight and start fresh tomorrow! I not gonna buy any and tomorrow i will use nicotine gum (GROSS). Ima gonna try hard to let go and give it to God. Im learning its a process. I tend to try to take things back. But I know God will help me, if i just lean on Him. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow is my quit day!!! *pray* ty all for the suggestions, i will need some coping techniques and part of it is gonna be reading in the Bible and praying, i may need to get some candy or chew gum or something. Ty all for being there for me.

Luvs u all lots
Last edited by goldieluvs on Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:46 am

this is a ps. lol . its next morning about 330am and i did have five more cigs last night but none since i woked up. Doggie woke me woofing to go outside anyways i off to get more GBU all nite nite or shuld i say good early morning?

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Postby Lionhearted » Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:35 pm

NO PROBLEMO my sister!!!

SEEK joy ... HAVE faith .... WALK in His forgiveness ...

try again tomorrow!!!

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Postby flutemusic67 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:30 pm

Galatians 5:10 I have confidence in you through the Lord..........

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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:48 pm

awww ty all so much, im shooting for Thursday as my stop date!! Lord help me ima gonna need it lol

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