something i want to DO not stop

i've posted on my profile page that one of my goals for 2009 is to commit to memory 1 Peter 1 ...
i would like to be held accountable for that.
so far i've learned verses 1 and 2 ( i think );
there are 25 verses and if i learn 2 per month that should take me through the year.
i'm asking you to hold me accountable in this .... please feel free to pm in chat or if you find me on the shoutbox as well.
thank you in advance for your help

i would like to be held accountable for that.

so far i've learned verses 1 and 2 ( i think );
there are 25 verses and if i learn 2 per month that should take me through the year.
i'm asking you to hold me accountable in this .... please feel free to pm in chat or if you find me on the shoutbox as well.
thank you in advance for your help