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Postby Sylvia » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:19 am

I know it has been awhile since my last post to you all
So much has happened.
The praise is I went to a specialist who after many tests diagnosed me as not having MS. but I do have a seizure disorder triggered by stress and also by lights. She put me on new medicine and also increased one that I was already on. I am walking without a cane, and my thinking is better then it has been in a long time.
My oldest son who has a heroin problem is doing well and has been clean for six months. But I do find beer cans in his room. He says he just has a couple a day and is not going to bars any more.
I feel that was true until Saturday he ended up in a bar and got drunk.
He did admit it to his father and me the next day. He still is going to AA and NA. But I worry about him constantly. I have to give it over to God daily, sometimes more then daily. Please pray for me and him. My hubby wants him to get clean but I know he loses patience with him. We were used to being empty nesters and enjoying it after raising four kids.
I also made friends with two women from the drug clinic. I was giving them rides to the clinic on the weekends. This last week I found drugs missing out of my purse. My son said he did not take them and I believe him because I would have seen him stoned. The girls also said they didn't take them but when my son went over to their apartment they were both stoned on pills. They also accused my son of stealing their pills.
They admitted to me later they found their pills.
I have stopped giving them rides. I told them I am not accusing them of taking the pills but I am getting stressed and I have to watch my stress level. They were calling here all the time asking for rides here and there and asking to borrow money. I was trying to witness to them. Had my church praying for them and was excited that they kept saying they would come to church. (but never did)
Now I feel like I failed them some how. My hubby says I have enough on my plate with my son here. Also my youngest son who is mentally ill also is a person who needs constant guidance as he tries living alone.
PLus now my son-in-law is being tested for lung cancer.
I have bouts of depression. I need prayer for God's strength to guide me and give me peace that He is in charge. I don't like worrying like this all the time.
I love you all. I have a hard time finding time to post here as my son is walking in and out of the room when I am on the computer.
Love You all
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Postby lizzie » Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:42 pm

Aww sylvia, it is so good to hear from you sis. *hug5*

I am happy to hear that your medical report was positive and that the new treatment is working wonderfully.

Please know that you are missed and loved, and you are in my prayers sis. I know that you have a lot going on, but rest assured sis, God is in control and He will make a way for you, just keep the faith.

Luv u lots sylvia!!
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