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Postby Lionhearted » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:51 pm

golders --- u r funn-eee .... tip-toeing because i'm not wanting ppl to think i'm encouraging you TO smoke ... which i'm not ... what i am encouraging you to do ... is, if you don't quit right now ... not to worry what others think about it.

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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:39 pm

awwww lion sis *hug5* very rarely do i worry abut wat peeps think about me anymore. I used to... but Jesus got me covered now!! I AM HIS!!!! I do this because im feeling convicted to, not becuz of anyone else or to seek approval from anyone else. I wanna do it cause Jesus loves me and lives in me and i am not taking care of myself like i shuld. Im coming to a realization in that I am letting worldy things drag me down... from now on, im gonna try and remind meself when i get that way to just stop, look up and see myself thru Jesus eyes. God has me here for a reason. I may not know exactly my role, but I know I am called to share His Word and I dont want nothing worldly to get in the way of me doing that. He is my refuge. My shelter in any storm. He loves me anyways, so in Him I wil rejoice!!!! I am free indeed! Praise the Lord!!!!!!

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Postby Lionhearted » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:08 pm


rejoicing and praising with you!!!
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Postby JCsmediator » Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:46 am

amen and amen!!! ... *harp*
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Postby --- » Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:38 pm

goldie what you are accomplishing is wonderful.

You are setting an example for those who read this forum of never giving up, no matter what changes or stresses you encounter you keep going. The stress in your life should be stopping you from reaching the goal of not smoking. But instead of tossing it away as the enemy would rejoice in are readjusting your goals to fit the circumstances.

WOW at what you have done so far by getting to only 8 cigs a day. God is pleased with you.

It is not failure when we have to readjust those goals to help to further our success. It will keep you from failure and feeling bad about yourself.
Realize that you are such encouragement to many who read of your honest struggles and go away praying for you. So many others come here and after reading of your struggles are encouraged by what they see you endure to strengthen your faith.
Stay in His will..fulfill the plan.

I love ya....and now I will return the soap box to lion *Whistle*
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Postby Lionhearted » Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:38 pm

rofl !!!!

happy to share it october *BigGrin*

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:25 pm

awwww yall make me laugh!!! Ty october for ur words of encouragement, they come at an awesome time and full of wisdom too. I am not giving up on that but i feel like im on a whirlwind, my boss just called me this afternoon and said oh instead of the following week, we may want you down here this Monday instead. Im just flabergasted cuz i swamped trying to get done wat i need to do here before going there. But, GWBD!! My sis is after me to buy a house down there, so theres some readjustment of credit i need to work on, so will be making some sacrifices to try to achieve that within the next six months. I think for the next month, i will be lucky if i survive lol ,,, naw God's got me covered i know. Ima gonna work on some verses to look at when i start getting overwhelmed and losing focus. Priorities gotta be set.. im still trying to keep it at 8 a day, but who knows maybe i can make it down to less and less and less even in the midst of this whirlwind that i seem to be in right now. theres good stress and theres bad stress, only problem is sometimes ur body doesnt know the difference between the two .. well me sistas, ty for the encouragement, i will still be coming in maybe not as much as usual for the next month, but i still gotta come to da Oasis!!!!

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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:38 am

thanks for letting us know goldie *hug* ... sometimes that happens in life eh

luvu sista and will be praying for your strength as you go thru this busy time and re-settling

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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Postby --- » Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:05 pm

one of the best statements you just made was...
"God's got me covered i know"

Keep a tight hold on that and everything no matter what will work out in His time and His way.
You are doing so well good indeed.
God has ya covered.
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