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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:24 pm

awww yay u lost some.. ok so not in ur arms, maybe ur building muscle in ur arms and that y u havent seen any come off there. u inspired me sis *hug* ive ordered that Richard Simmons deal a meal and some cookbooks and a workout video. Not sure when everything will come in,, but it was ur inspiration that got me started wanting to be healthier. I may not have given up the smoking yet. But, hey, i can always improve in other areas. Amen sis.. keep up the awesome work *run*

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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:38 pm


i don't think you need to quit smoking to start to get fit .... you will quit when God moves you to ... as it will only be thru Him that truth will set you free !! :)

...moving on to something else is TERRIFIC ... *hug5* x 100 ... richard simmons deal a meal ... hmmmm ... i've heard of it, but i'm not sure how it works?? ... what about the workout video ... who is it??

YOUR taking steps in the right direction my sister ... have fun with it!!

thank YOU for your encouragement, you don't realize how helpful it is!!! *hug5*

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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:54 pm

Awww me sis ty for the groovy sign wooo hooo!!! Well, i got outbid on the Richard Simmons workout video. THe meal a deal is some kinda program where u get cards and u pick ur meals for the day and as u eat stuff u put the card in another spot so u know wat u got left. I also ordered one cookbook by him and i am bidding on another cookbook. Im just waiting on them to come in. Sis u r doing so awesome with ur exercise. I am so excited for you *run* !!! Ty for the encouragement. Hopefully, i will be ready to begin within a couple weeks, the meal a deal program and one cookbook are allready paid for, i just gotta wait on it to get here. I got em on ebay that place is addicting lol... Keep up the awesome work ROOOAARRRRRRRRRRR

Luvs ya
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Postby JCsmediator » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:05 pm

Goldiieee amen ya gonna love it ...
I had the lil cards-recipes and the video ...

Love Richard Simmons! ( love his commercials too) LOL

Hee hee he sooo rocks...

Goo Goldies!

Praying for ya God bless ur time and fellowsheep with richard ...

He sooo lively and encouraging...

let us know how ya like it and how its going ...

Come on ladies ...
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Postby JCsmediator » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:36 pm

amen sis I sooo am happy for you...

weight has never been a problem for me up untill march of last yr when I got sick and had to give up working ...

I not gotton my regular excercise and then working a cleaning business I was really toning with climbing lil ladder and cleaning cabinets and just constant manual labor but now I am sooo opposits and yes gained at first 6 lbs and now it whispers 12 ... OUCH!

Soooo I been trying its just hard for me right now cuz I am in every day pain from nueragia and fibromyalgia which are both very painful and bulging disc in lower back and upper neck have caused alot of this and the foreman magnum is the openings around the spine and vagus nerve is closing and squeezing my spine/nerves and causing the nueragia ...

which is nerve pain and there is no cure but surgery sooo I have given it to God and the only one that can be operated is the lower back one but the neck is in dangerous place is in area that controls our breathing
differnt nerves and cervcles down ur spine control certain body functions and I am having the pain all over cuz the neck one effects my motorskills and speech and senses and have another effecting the upper extremities arms hands and the lower one effects the lower extremities legs feet have such bad pain on bottom of my feet could barely walk on them, ...

buttt I wear feet wraps and back strap and use these rubber bands they are for excercising and do walk my dogs like every two hours LOL

well feels like every two hours but my life style has so changed so I will try to keep up by excercisng with them rubber bands and and have these excercises given to me from my physical therapist ...will let ya know if I lose I to will try ...

I gained right now 12 lbs in the last 11 months more than I have in 15 yrs sooo am praying I dont keep going up so will let yall know how it goes I like yall to keep me accountable for excercising at least 3 times a week ...
monday wed and fri off week ends LOL

I am in pain sooo have to start slow LOL and lion am very happy for you and WTG I too shout ya a ROARRRRRRRRRRRR ... *Lion*
and go yall
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Postby lizzie » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:19 pm

Hi marjorie! Welcome sister *hug5*

So happy you are here with us :) I too believe that God led you here, as He has led me and many others.

Please know that you will not be judged here, as none of us are perfect, only our God. And He knows our flaws and loves us anyway :)

I wanted to share this link with you as well. Its to a wonderful free 14 day program, that will help fill your mind and heart with the Truth of God, and restore peace to your soul.

Hope to see you soon in the chatroom. And if you have any questions about navigating the site etc, please dont hesitate to ask :)

GBU marjorie *hug*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:39 am

Hi marjorie!

*hug5* *Welcome* 2 *TheLife*

Look forward to chatting with u!

God bless.
Love ya
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:11 am

WOOO HOOO Marjorie Welcome to Oasis!!! God definately led ya here sis. I used to say it was google. I know different now. Yeah the site is a lil overwhelming but ya get used to it as ya go along. Lizzie gaves u a nice link, i waited awhile before doing the CCCC program and it helped, although i dont think i was in right frame of mind to do it, so i prolly go back and do it again.. And she is soo right, I was worried about joining, i been here about a year now, wat i found was people that love ya no matter what... no judgement here. Its a safe place. If ya ever need help just holler out well, i think ya gots to be in chat to PM or holler but if you post we see that too altho that takes longer... how exciting for you to be here!!! *hug*

And sheepy sis *hug* bless ur heart, i just luvs ya much me sis. Follow doctor orders first, do wat exercises they say. please dont do stuff they say u not posed to do. A lil extra weight is ok but prolly harder on ur back, maybe we can just encourage each other to eat healthier, break back out those deal a meal cards!!! woo hoo ladies.

Luvs u all and i so excited to meet me new sis Marjorie. come chat with us sometime. The font will be small but u can change the size under options to a size that fits ya best.

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Postby --- » Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:09 pm

WOW !!!! I am blown over with this forum. WAY TO GO LION!!!

Hey Marjorie welcome to Oasis ... this is a wonderful place to communicate and be in fellowship with Gods flock. God blesses this place in such a glorious many friends and support exist here. So please come in kick off your shoes and enjoy.

Hey this is trying to get caught up with all the time I have missed these last few months. It feels good to be here in my Oasis home, with loving friends.

I love the accountability aspect of this forum, and to the weight loss and determination to exercise AWESOME !!!, .

So much of what has been spoken of is where I am or have been. As JC I too have dealt with the overwhelming fear of death and with the havoc it causes in your life. I used to be so slammed when it would overtake me that I would literally run from room to poor hubby used to fear for me...if we happen to be somewhere out from our home he knew to get me home...when I would breathessly appear at his side gutching his hand quietly looking white as a sheet shaking from head to toe.
But ya know what....GOD HAPPENED....God took my fear and removed it from me. Aw now do not think the enemy has forgotten...he tries many times to bring those fears back on me...but when I feel that familiar feeling begin all I do is quietly whisper the name of Jesus and calmly tell satan to remove himself from me and the light of Christ shines through my heart for there is no fear in Christ Jesus.

Like flute I am a type II diabetic. Have also have been diagnosed with very high blood pressure, it has been so high so often over the years it has landed me in the hospital a time or two because it is jacked up way too high. Also dealing with high cholesterol. Had arthritis beginning in my fingers and that scared me because I watercolor paint. Then I was diagnosed with the diabetes over the Christmas holidays 2007...hohohoho Merry Christmas. What a slam to my mind that was.

God blessed us with these two last kids to raise when He brought them to us one a toddler the other an infant. He had intentions of my completing the job...but requires I take care of myself to insure that my task is complete.
I allowed my weight to blossom up 236 on a 5'7 ' frame, was a nice TIGHT size 18..more like a size 20, but refused to buy that size LOL....that was my size a little over a year ago.
It took the diabetes to hit me over the head...but knowing and doing are two different things. So finally after struggling have managed to gain control of weight, eating and exercise. All of it is God...His words to me about completing the task He has given me.
In just over a year I have managed...or I should say struggled and failed but am making my way to a better healthier life. It is not to look better which is a very pleasant side effort I must say LOL feeling better physically is awesome. I had for gotten how it was to feel good in my body... which helps you mentally, emotionally and Spiritually.
I now weight 176, am just this week into a comfortable size 12...I began weight training this time last year, am now seeing a trainer twice a week, she works till I wobble out of the gym loving every second I do it. I walk 2 to 4 miles at least 4 to 5 days a week...have an elliptical and a bike that I aslo use to break up the routine.
As far as your arms increasing in size they are building muscle also muscle weights more than fat...and the more you strengthen your core muscles, those are the major muscles in your body, the more fat you burn and higher your metabolism is to burn that fat.

So I know where you are coming from and know how hard it is too do. I applaud your efforts and want to encourage you to continue what you are doing. I am still working on losing at least 10 more pounds and getting into a 10. I am 56 years old and a grandmother of 4 and mother of 6. I now have more energy that have had in years. My blood pressure meds just this month have been cut to a quarter of what they were this time last year, have hopes to get off the cholesterol altogether in March and there is hope my diabetes meds can some day be dropped but not just yet. My arthritis is in check and my fingers do not hurt or swell or cause any trouble at all.
I drink almost nothing but water some juices..portions have shrunk and my desire to eat is only when I am truly hungry.
BUt I do fail some days or some meals..and my body lets me know it. So it is not hard to get right back on a healthy track.
And like I said the side benefit of being a smaller person is awesome. A fun thing that you women can appreciate is that I have been having to buy new jeans about every two months lately I barely get the tags off and it is time to buy a new pair LOLOLOLOL That is so much fun.

I received one of my best compliments of encouragement from my 34 year old son who I only see twice a year cause we 1700 miles apart. He hugged me over Christmas and said I always thought my mom was pretty (I beg to differ LOL) but he said it was cool to see his mom had curves too. LOLOLOL

So I thank God for every bit of my success for He had given me the incentive with the reminder of caring for my babies.
Then to learn of the diabetes, something that will always be with me but managable.
I have the promise if I care for myself I would be able to finish the task he gave me with these babies who are now almost grown.

PRAISE you ladies for what you are accomplishing.

many blessings I love you
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Postby Lionhearted » Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:54 pm

jcs said:

I like yall to keep me accountable for excercising at least 3 times a week ...
monday wed and fri off week ends LOL

rofl ... i do the same thing girlie .... i consider weekends ... week - ENDS... so i don't usually workout on them either ..... BUTTTT, i was so pumped about loosing the inches ... that i decided to do my callenetics part of the routine on this past saturday ... :)

goldsters is right jcs ... ONLY as your doc recommends !!! you must start out slow ... and build up to it ... i know you'll do very fine!!

My blood pressure meds just this month have been cut to a quarter of what they were this time last year, have hopes to get off the cholesterol altogether in March and there is hope my diabetes meds can some day be dropped but not just yet. My arthritis is in check and my fingers do not hurt or swell or cause any trouble at all.

*hug* x 100 what an encouragement you are to me cc ... my weightloss is coming at the hands of mostly medical reasons also ... not entirely, but surely ... mostly ... isn't it amazing how much better we feel when we treat our bodies the way God intended them to be treated rofl

the whole gaining on the arms thing ... i don't understand because i'm biking as well, on the tighest tension ... yet i'm losing there!! darrell says, "do you really expect to loose it all equally?" ... of course he' right ... silly me .... rofl

(yes, actually i DO expect to loose it ALL equally) ... the arms are a tough area for me as well as the waist area because i've never had issues in these areas ... i've always been a very curv-ee girl ... carrying most of my weight in the boot-ee area lol

But ya know what....GOD HAPPENED....God took my fear and removed it from me. Aw now do not think the enemy has forgotten...he tries many times to bring those fears back on me...but when I feel that familiar feeling begin all I do is quietly whisper the name of Jesus and calmly tell satan to remove himself from me and the light of Christ shines through my heart for there is no fear in Christ Jesus.

that's exactly what happened to me !!! i remember being out once at a waterfront party downtown ... there were so many people, i slipped my hand into darrell's and it was so light and slight to the touch (his words) he looked down at me ... he said i looked like a blind person trying to see into his eyes ... my eyes would start to roll back in my head from fear and i would get really dizzy ... he just said, "we should go, right?" and he would lead me out of the crowd and take me home. (i'm so thankful he didn't give up on me, this lasted for 3 years, before i turned to the Lord for help)

anyway ... its not a very nice place to be is cc? fear that is so thick that it "sticks" to you and you can't get rid of it.

but praise GOD ... He is so very faithful !!!!! and never lets us down!!

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Postby goldieluvs » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:26 pm

wooo hooo awesome me sis october wow i missed ya *hug* u go Lion sis u just rock!!!!!! Wow, makes me wanna get up and dance *run* . Im working on the accountability of my part. Am still kinda waiting on the cookbooks and stuff but my goal is to begin first of February and oh i pray i am able to give those nasty cigs to the Lord by then too.. i just luvs u all sooooo much.... sheepy, please check with doctor first sis, me selfish and wants u here for quite awhile *hug* this is so awesome and exciting... woo hoo Praise the Lord!!!

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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:40 pm

jcs and lion how u guys doing on yr weight loss?

u guys are awesome!

Stick wit it!

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