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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:00 am


you are doing WONDERMUS goldie .... KUDOS!!!

remember we are in a war and your addiction/craving is what the enemy is using against you ... (he's such a dirty fighter) ...but that's OK !!

we've got the ....


goldie, my sister, i luuuve you.... but accept the fact that you will gain a few pounds. according to what my doc says is that your body is not only going to go thru withdrawl, but a metabolic change as well. just hang tough, your body will go back to its normal state ... don't let this be a deterrent for you ... i quit nov. 12 (i think) and you know, right. i've started to loose again ... it only took a month and a bit ... i say ride it out give your body the break it needs to go thru this change you are asking it to make ....

now, i quit cold turkey .... but i wanted to share something that was key for me and i think you can apply in your life as well ... even though your cutting back ... i think it could probably still apply. its a small work out routine ... and what it did was empower me. it used to be, oh well, i've already blown it for the day by munching on this or that ... may as well go all the way, or the week or the month !! but what i did this time was to continue with my exercises.

and i'm not joking about this ... when i first started my routine was only 10 MINUTES LONG!!!!! i used it as a weapon against the enemy. even tho i succumbed, every so often to falling into sin (for me it was the sin of gluttony) .... EVERY DAY (not sat and sun then) i still did my lil 10 minute stint. this was my saving grace for defeating this ... when i substituted food for smokes .... i would ask for forgiveness seek faith and start fresh the next day with my workout. God is merciful and will give you new strength everyday!!! (He's kinda kewl that way eh)

okay, i've talked way too long .... and its almost my work out time ... God bless your efforts !!!

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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:38 am

Hi goldie as u know foirums been kinda down the last few days so just catching up wit ya!

Hows it going sis?

Keeping u in prayer!

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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:41 pm

my sista *hug*

just checkin to see how your cutting down is going .... i know that its gonna happen for you!! be aware of the stress increase coming in life over the next little while with moving and all ... you might be tempted to increase your count *dunno*

keep @ it

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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:13 pm

welllll uhhhhmmmmm i havent totally stopped like i was supposed to by now. I cant seem to get below eight cigs. But i guess thats better than 15. Life is gonna be REAL hectic for the next month or so. So, I am trying to be realistic and just maybe try to cut down a little more slowly. Wat with everything going on i am running around churning and burning so to speak trying to make sure my cases are in decent shape. So, for now i gonna content myself with making sure i dont go over eight cigs. And hopefully in a month i can report that i have stopped!!!! Excuses excuses i know but yes it IS very stressful time in my life, so i figure as long as i dont go back to smoking MORE than that is progress and when things settle in a little then i can begin working on cutting down again..
ty me sistas luvs yall much

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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:52 pm


Goldie keep at it sis!

Dont give in sis i quit in October after smoking for almost 8 yrs!

you can do it! I know u can! Stay strong through Him sis!

I love ya!

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Postby Dora » Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:02 pm

Hey goldie sis
I think that cutting down to 8 is great. :)
That is something to be proud of sis.
Maybe next week 6 and the week after 4.
Or maybe next month 6 and the month after 4.
Steady progress, not perfection. :)
You can do this through Christ who gives you strength.
luv ya goldie
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Postby goldieluvs » Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:05 pm

aww ty Jill, u know the strangest thing happened. I was watching Monk and they kept showing several commercials dedicating February as National (im not sure about the National part) heart month. I felt like God was telling me something even though it was secular program. So, i am renewed in my dedication to quit smoking. I have one cig left for tonight. So tomorrow I am trying to just quit period! I will use coping skills. I will use Bible verses to remind me. I will use candies or watever i can find to help me beat this. God is calling me to do this. I need to heed His voice. I pray for the strength and self control to let this go.

GBU sis

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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:40 am

WOWZAS thats fantastic sista ... i think 8 is something you can be very, very proud of .... down from 15!! kewl

you r rowking !!!

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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:51 am

Ty, well i went and got another pack :( I think i have come to the conclusion that as long as i am in the stressful environment i am in, that i will continue to smoke. I am going to keep it down to 8 tho. I can at least do that much. I am planning on moving back to my hometown within the next three months and I am NOT taking my roommate with me. He knows this, i point blank told him to ensure no misunderstandings. I am also looking at trying to cut down on bills. So,, i am just gonna keep trying but I am not giving up!!

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Postby JCsmediator » Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:59 am

amen goldie ... GWBD sis and you just take care of urself best ya can ...

HE will help ya ... did me after 15 yrs and I would quit and go buy a pack again but the habbit of having something in my mouth to allowed me to gain some weight which was a good trade but I stood that weight for 15yrs too and no complains It never I guess was that much to loose but now I am thinkn its a lil different think I crossed ove the line in my eyes so have to try too and its not been easy I wont say when was the last day I worked out but I will say I can relate with here I go again LOL

sis GB and we can do tis and it will be done!

luv yaaaa ur sis JCs *harp*
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Postby Lionhearted » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:10 am

i've been tip-toeing around this issue for weeks, so i'm just gonna say come out and say ... there are many things we do to our bodies that are bad for us ... smoking isn't the only thing ... pple are very down on smokers, they think they are so bad ... i disagree.

in point of fact, my doctor said, (during a period of one of my many breakdowns whilst trying to quit) meds like prozac etc. (i don't remember all the names she told me) were coping mechanisms .... and thats what ciggs were for me .... and if i wanted to actually compare drug for drug ... that we didn't even know what the long-term effects were going to be of these drugs that were being prescribed so wide spread ... so, if i only was really smoking what i said i was, which was 2-3 packs a week, then there really was no diff. (however, if i ever said it was her that said it, she would deny it) lol

dear, sweet goldie ... don't feel bad or guilt over this ... *hug5*

i got to the point were i was so sick of trying and failing, i just couldn't do it anymore ... i resigned myself to truly hand it over to God and said, "no more Lord ... if it is really that bad ... YOU are gonna have to show me ... and YOU are gonna have to do ... i just can't"

i refused to think about it anymore. i just figured and accepted that i was gonna be a smoker ... until HE decided to deliver me.

i heard a pastor once say, don't look down on smokers ... as you drink your 5th coffee (or pop or insert here whatever your vice is) ... or those of you that cannot drive pass a mcdonalds or a donut shop without going in ... or who cannot stay away from the golf course all summer ... or those of you who pick up the remote control as soon as you get home .... or sitting on the computer for hours .... (it was very quiet in the congregation at this point)

(okkay, i'll get off my soapbox now)

needless to say, i was very supportive of his statement at the time, as i was a smoker. now i'm a non smoker and i still support his statement.

don't get me wrong, its NOT healthy ... its just that neither is most of everything else we ingest either.
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Postby goldieluvs » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:15 am

awww lion sis,,, no need to tip toe unless u afraid of *Lion* *Lion* rofl i teasing i culdnt resist *Whistle* . Actually wat ur preacher said is sooo true so u keep a going on ur soapbox. Actually i take the meds you were talking about, but if i don't my brain goes so fast, that i dont sleep, i cant stay on topic (which is still a challenge to me even with the meds) and I start all these projects i cant finish, i spend money as if i got a money tree and things like that. so, yeah they help me cope in that i am able to function and work. And ur right, we don't know long term side effects of some of the meds. And maybe God will see fit to deliver me from this one day, or maybe its my fault, mebbe i have a seed of doubt. As far as the cigs go. i dont have any doubt that i should quit, mebbe wat is holding me back is that lil seed of doubt that i can do with God's help.. hmmm mebbe i shuld go back through O's CCCC program. I need to, got lots on me plate right now... i will *Pray*
about it. GBU sis

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