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Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:37 pm

awww sheepy me sist *hug* I see where the Lord has helped you so much overcome many obstacles and I am sure that there were some you chose not to share. It is ok to have feelings, fear is a feeling. recognize it for wat it is, and then give it to Jesus. You so such awesome work and are such a blessing... God doesnt always work on our timetable, but i can see that He is working through you and provided healing on many levels. Sis, i will keep ya in *pray* and I know God will help you thru this too. Theres a passage somewhere and if i was better with the bible i would quote it its 2Timothy somewhere about God not giving us a spirit of fear. It is the enemy that is putting that in you... sis u are so awesome and have come so far, and its ok cuz God aint finished with none of us yet. Next time ya get that feeling, pray and demand Satan to leave in Jesus name and if ya believe it in ya heart then hes got to go!. Right now, Satan runs rampant througout the world, but one day Jesus coming back and gonna kick him to da curb!!! The battle is allready won sis. I luvs ya much and am here if ya ever wanna talk,, in meantime i keep u in *pray*

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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:22 pm

Good job jcs for coming forward and sharing your thorn .... fear is such a tough one, because it has so many different faces and flavours (disguises, i think) ...

i think you've made remarkable progress in your battle with fear ... KUDOS !!!

keep up the good fight ... you keep on tak'n back that ground for your soul ... i'm here ready to support you in your next plan of attack!!

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Postby JCsmediator » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:40 pm

amen ty sisters ... I am ready daily willing and I start my day with Christ saying ok we can do this and I do rebuke the enemie when them feeling come up and sometimes I do so well and sometimes I mess up and leave myself with a weak testamony and satan saying hahahahaha ...

Sooo I do try daily and I wil never give up trying I just hate when it confuses the message of Christ and I never let it stop me from sharing I do good in that part ist the small talk and up close that freaks me out and I lose touch with what really is the whole purpose of me even talking with someone and start to focus on my fears and sooo I do good talking across a room and some one on one up close very few ...

but ty for being here and willing to help us do this cuz I could use the prayers and encouragement amen GB yall and here tooo!
ty ..
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:14 am


well this is the second time im trying to post this, i had it all typed too.

but ima post again! *saint*

ok First i think u are very brave to have come forward with this.
I too have suffered from fears and anxiety attacks on up to phobias. And i know from experience that if we dont nip them in the butt, they will grow.
When u get a chance check out my testimony part one and part 2
I think u may find it encouraging.

here are some things that i can give u some tips on that have worked for me.


If u get anxious put on praise and worship music, if that dont help quote scripture i use i can do all things through Christ who strngthens me, i use that alot along with other. I rebuke it ( as u said) I take back and notice that i am in no immediate danger and should be calm, I ask myself why am i scared ( more times than most its just adrenaline and the flight or fight feeling) and write down why u get scared keep a journal, sometimes you will go back and see how silly it was to be scared of this or that, also can give u insight when u pray to ask God to remove certain fears with u and to replace with one of God's traits. I also say outloud or to myself that satan does not deserve my fear, and satan does not deserve to hold this fear over me because i am a child of God and my God says Fear not for I am with u.

Other techiniques is relaxation counting backwards from 100, concetrating on yr deep breathing, listening to u breath. Also in quiet place close yr eyes and start from yr toes or yr scalp and tense up the muscles for about 25 to 40 sec then release and let it fully relax. Do this all the way through yr body to yr finger tips to the tips of yr toes yr back yr stomach muscles yr facial muscles, is very calming. start from one end and work yr way to the other.

I also find that if i speak out to the HOly spirit to deliver me from this fear and replace with peace and courage He does. Its like they all go away and i get this calming sensation through out my body. Relying on Him is one of the best things to do. Because He says When u are weak I am strong. And He is strong enough to bring u through.

I dont believe that God wants us to be a slave to fear at all, i think its more of a humbling trait to rely on Him, But if u are becoming a slave to it then it becomes very unhealthy for u and yr relationship with God.

If u ever need to talk im here. Hes helped me through alot and i think i could b a great encouragement for u.

God bless u sis

Jill *Pray*
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Postby JCsmediator » Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:42 pm

Hey J ... ty so much sis

I sooo appreciate the excercises and things to do...

I only have the fear with some and its usually when its one on one almist like some one turned up the speakers up loud and even my perception is like way up in my face thought maybe I needed glasses LOL

but I still shy away ...

but please keep me in prayer and I will try the excercise cuz I am very tense just from spasms I am dealing with ...

I have to do things to help that too I have some things I try and take meds but the meds aint working ...

sooo I am seeking God thru it all but Hes been so good to me ...
I know this can make my relationship like a yo yo with God tooo but I go to Him all the time I had to tell myself prayer...
Lord will keep trying and every day and I do ...

I am pretty much normal LOL just when I am to focused on me and this worring for nothing like ya said while I am going thru it ....

I do self talk myself in my thoughts as I am saying ok Lord here I am let me keep convo and not say goodbye and learn to do this cuz I feel its doing the exact thing we fear is how I over came all the rest ...

Theres things I will avoid like example for instance...
I would love to meet all yall in real life but I wouldnt untill I felt I could be myself and enjoy it ...

I know I could try and enjoy but just thinking I will be very shy and just not talk alot but would socialize just its not completely me and I dont like making people feel anything like I am to good for them or am not friendly
cuz I really am ...

but want to say ty again and I did pretty good today had lots of company and I made dinner for every one and I had fun talking with them as long as I dont have to be just sitt'n there trying to hold a convo ...

but I do just dont like to as I would want too like I take public bus I will talk if taked to but dont expect me to start ... LOL

moving around is more easy right now as I cooked and made dinner and typed on here and shared with them but it was one of my better days ...

ok GB and ty again and will keep my update as I go and pray for me ty jill ur sis JCs ... *hug*
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Postby JCsmediator » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:19 am

hello again sisters...

I just wanted to say I went to church and my kids after and was a Good day I went into church sayng I gonna be bold like apostle Paul LOL

Well I did walk in humble and seeking God as the man took us to our seat was so crowded and I thought what feeling would try me but I was prayed up and I kept thinking how Jesus said we will do greater and mightier works tooo and He sooooo was saying to my heart JCs The Power, The Powers in you ...

That Power like Jesus said and I was sooo feeling filled He was like to preparing me ...

and then it started the preacher sharing the music playing and worshipping and praise and then the preacher message started with Do you wanna Have that Power!!!!

I had to take a double take LOL as I knew Holy Spirit was right there with me ...

That Power JCs That Power some say they have being religious but deny'n of ...

as I could not help see the preacher as Jesus was the one standing right up there and I thanked Holy Spirit sooooo much and the whole service was sooooooo Powerful and shared on when paul and silas were beaten and thrown into prison it wasnt till they started worshipping that the earth quaked and doors opened and the witness on that day they sooooooo gave!

How it continued on like a skipping rock being thrown across the top of a stream watching it skip and causing them wripples that keep on and on and on as Pau and Silas spread the word right there in the midst of there pain they used that Power they were given sharing with the jailer and his family all came to Jesus on that day then lydia in a small town that needed the word and all there families and even there church ...

The wripples that flowed ...

Sooooo today was an absolute AWEsome Day for me I stood focus and did indeed see Gods Power flooding me and the church service was about Praising God in the midst of our pain ...

How there testamonies were like reading a walking bible and they didnt fear and even shared they was thrown in jail with out cause and the romans soldiers just let them go out of that city or town they went but left behind sooooooo many who they didn't even intend on reaching ...

Sooooo when we can't see and feeling the pain in our life know we staying Faithful the wripples will flow and out of our hearts will flow rivers of life and be sooo bless'd even when we dont feel like it ...

Soooooooo I feared not today gave it to God as He was saying ....
you have that Power!

What have you to fear?

GB and keep yall and praying Gods Will be done into each of our lives ...

goldie sis its comming!

bye and for He cares! *harp* Bless'd Day yall in JESUS! In that POWER He soooooooooo has given...
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Postby goldieluvs » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:44 am

wooo hooo amen sis!! totally awesome.. Jesus does awesome things thru us if we let go of ourselves. Sometimes it is very hard to do... but amen sis u let go and u let God amen and amen. Its a constant battle, im learning that as i continue in my walk,, but it is well worth it cuz I know without God i am lost and God saved me from myself.. So,, i just thankful all around...

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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:01 pm

Yay !!! Jcs!!!

Its awesome to let go and feel His power within isnt it? *Cheer*

God is awesome!!!

Praise and Glory to God for giving u that boldness sis!!

May God bless u continually with His power to do His work!!

Love ya sis
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:22 pm


i'm doing a check in to keep myself honest .... this is from my original post:

i am opening up here because i need help in this; it will help me to be accountable to you here. these are the parameters that i've set for myself.

1. to workout every day
2. to walk every day
3. to eat ZERO inverted sugar
4. to organize my food for myself for the day as i have a blood sugar problem (this is a big key for me)
5. DO NOT eat while on any screens (watching tv/computer/movies)

i am giving you permission to hold me accountable in these areas; please ask me.

#1 - success!!!
#2 - there's been a change in that one because of my ankle, i believe i posted about that on another thread - how i've accommodated is added extra time on my cycle. - success!!!
#3 - ok - this one's .... well..... NOT success ... but almost!! i fell 2 times since i started .... YUP, they were big falls ... but because i come here to be accountable ... my resolve gets a little stronger !! yay
#4 - the organization is going good ... very important to stay on top of this ... the two times that i ate the inverted sugar where because i was lazy and didn't organize myself.
#5 - i am managing to stay away from the computer screen while eating ... but i don't know if i want to count popcorn while i'm watching a movie .... i mean whats a movie w/o popcorn?? (maybe i was a bit to stringent on myself) ... perhaps not ... i don't sense a conviction from God on this ..... so i've decided to allow the popcorn while i watch a movie ... but to continue with not eating at the computer.

now, i've been tempted to measure, as i can see stuff starting to shift around ....
*BigGrin* *Cartwheel* *Clap* *Cheer* *Penguin* *Mouse* *Lion* <---- kool and the gang dance to 'celebration'

but ... i will restrain myself until feb 1 .... i'm doing the waiting because i tend to be a little ocd ... and i'm conquering that as well !!

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Postby goldieluvs » Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:13 pm

keep a rocking sis... U R LION HEAR U ROAR!!!!

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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:36 pm



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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:28 am

OKAYYYYYY .... grrrrr ...

i couldn't help myself ... i measured !!!!

much to my chagrin ... i've GAINED on my arms .... BUT, lost in other areas .... *dunno*

so i might as well just go ahead and measure every 2 weeks.... i've decided to pick the middle ... i think a week is too often and 4 weeks is too long (i need gratification before 4 weeks is up)... maybe that will change with maturity .... maybe not rofl

so here it is thus far:

upper arm - 13 1/3 "
waist - 38"
hips - 46"
thigh - 26"

as at jan 23/09:

upper arm - 14" *Yikes* wrong way!!
waist - 36" -- yay
hips - 45" -- yay
thigh - 24 1/2 " -- yay


i WILL conquer this!! *BigGrin*

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