Christianity Oasis Forum

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Postby realtmg » Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:43 pm

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

An examination of the fruits of the Spirit can be intimidating. Working all nine of these traits into your life seems impossible, and indeed it is. But the moment you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit began a divine work to produce Christ's character in you. Regardless of who you are, the Spirit works from the same model, Jesus Christ. The Spirit looks to Christ in order to find the blueprint for your character. The Spirit will immediately begin helping you experience and practice the same love that Jesus had when He laid down His life for His friends. The same joy He experienced will now fill you. The identical peace that guarded the heart of Jesus, even as He was being beaten and mocked, will be the peace that the Spirit works to instill in you. The patience Jesus had for His most unteachable disciple will be the patience that the Spirit now develops in you. The kindness Jesus showed toward children and sinners will soften your heart toward others. There will be a goodness about you that is only explainable by the presence of the Spirit of God. The Spirit will build the same faithfulness into you that led Jesus to be entirely obedient to His Father. The Spirit will teach you self-control so that you will have strength to do what is right and to resist temptation. This is a process.

All of this is as natural as the growth of fruit on a tree. We do not have to orchestrate it on our own. It automatically begins the moment you become a believer. How quickly it happens depends upon how completely you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit's activity.

We have to yield DAILY to His guidance. LOVE is God and God is Love.

Luv Ya,

Real *CoolBubble*
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Postby JCsmediator » Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:05 am

amen real it is exactly what Hes been talking to me about and I sooooo agree God is soo awesome when He confirms to each one o us too ...

Praise God and bless you for sharing and the Love you have for God too amen Gods Love is a Beautiful thing ... amen ty JCs
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Postby realtmg » Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:41 am

It warms my heart knowing that God is dealing with people and I smile when they take heed. HE knows best.

Luv Ya

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Posts: 1051
Location: KY. LAKE
Marital Status: Divorced

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