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Need for being accountable

Postby goldieluvs » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:34 am

Ok yall i know i keep switching the things i wanna be accountable for. I think it has much to do with wanting to change several things. I am realizing that part of that has to do with impulsiveness which is an ongoing issue for me. There are so many things that i tend to be impulsive about and need to stick to a better regimen. So, I think there are three things that I would like some encouragement in being held accountable

1. read the Bible at least 15 min per day
2. put back 10-20.00 per paycheck for tires i desperately need.
3. to continue to tithe even if it isnt 10 percent of my income.

If anyone feels led, check with me once in awhile and see how i am doing in these areas. Maybe if i practice this for three months, it will become habits and then i can focus on other things.

I am also trying to buy a house at some point in time in the near future so one of my goals is to get my credit down to 70% of total available credit.

Ok ty all and luvs u all very much
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Postby realtmg » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:40 am

Sounds good goldie.
Know that I will be checking with ya to see how you are doing.
Nice to see post such as this.


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Postby --- » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:00 pm

It is hard not to want to change everything at one a bit more realistic to take a few things at a time like you are doing.
Won't tend to be over whelmed that way.

Will try and help you goldie.
It is always nice to know someone is going to be checking on ya.

Bless you...LOVE YOU
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Postby goldieluvs » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:27 pm

Ty both very much *hug* things have been very busy on my end lately. I haven't had much time to come to Oasis. Things will settle before too much longer i think... in meantime, know ya'll are in my thoughts and i luvs u much. I havent been doing so good on my goals. Guess i will have to start over. By time i get home from work im exhausted. I still tithe as i get paid so far so i can say that one is going ok. I have a lil saved, and planning on putting back a lil more. but i falling behind on spending time in the Word. That so important too. But I talk with God so, I will just keep putting one step forward and soon everything will settle and i will be back into a routine. GBU and luvs u all.

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