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how we defile our temple

Postby Lionhearted » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:41 pm

hey all ... it occured to me that Jesus talked about the temple also ... i find it most interesting ... that Jesus would say ... it's NOT what goes into a man ...

Matthew 15:11 - It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles [him].

... does that mean we can eat whatever we want, whenever we want ... i wish ... alas, probably not it eh ....

gotta run out the door ... shucks .... be back in a bit ... would love to hear your thoughts.

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Postby goldieluvs » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:21 pm

u know its interesting u brought that up sis cuz i read the same thing last night. Maybe it is just our thoughts that make it wrong i dunno, but its an awesome point. Wat yall think?
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Postby xxJILLxx » Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:01 pm

HI guys!♥

Well i personally think that what we put in is what we put out.

All the negativity of watching wordly movies, tv shows, songs, any kind of wordly media that doesnt edify God has a big influence on how we perceive life.

Is why i think there is so much violence and so much waxing cold. What the world fed into us is what the world puts out.

I think it is very much the same with our Body, His Temple. We are representing Christ! He is in us , so we need to make sure what we put in is good in God's sight. It all goes on the same line of pulling bad weeds and planting good seeds.

Is it Glorifying God?
Would Jesus do this?

And then if it isnt we need to be a little bit more responsible of our temples.

Most buildings have a custodian to make sure that things get put back in there proper places after the people leave, (media, bad influences etc. if u will)

making sure the bathrooms are cleanand the trash is taken outside of the building and left there to b taken away ( our sins and faults cleansed and taken out of our temple),

making sure to replace the empty garbage cans with new bags for the next time for easy disposal, replacing the supplies ( the bad and old replaces with the clean and pure)

If there is a leak in the roof (mind) that needs to get fixed they call in an expert to fix the problem (Our expert is God,Jesus and Holy Spirit) because we know what can happen if we dont get that leak fixed, it will keep getting bigger and bigger and more damage will be done if we dont get it fixed right away, and may be harder to fix, the cost might be alot greater.

The Holy Spirit is trying to tell me to tell ya'll, that yes we need to keep maintenace on our temples. Yes God will be our expert, but we got to help Him too. We need to give effort and want things to get fixed and maintained or the cost may be much greater than anticipated. But if we keep maintenance (which we can do through prayer, meditaing on His Word, surrender, fellowship of others as well as support from fellow christians) then He promises us that He will deliver us, He will see us through, He will renew our mind.

How much more better are we than an old building! We were created to Golrify God!

check this out..

John 13:32
If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.

if we want God to be glorified, we first have to glorify Him in us!
Then God will be glorified from within us
Then is when God gets the Glory!

With that being said i am so convicted and surely dont have this down pat yet! But God is the expert! He can fix us! Let us not stop keeping maintenace on our temples.

Wow The Holy Spirit is strong with me tonight!

Gbu all ♥Jill
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