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What does living temple of Holy Spirit mean to you.

Postby goldieluvs » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:21 pm

Good evening everyone. I have been thinking off and on about a comment me luvly sista jill made in da welcome post about not fully grasping meaning of living Holy Temple of Jesus. I personally dont know the TRUTH of that either, I have some ideas of what i think it means, so i will share those and anyone who wants to add anything,, please do so. The better understanding we have, the better we are able to turn more over to God.

Ok. for me, it means to live righteously, eat right, exercise right, not abuse my body or my mind, to try to control those mean thoughts that seem to just come outta nowhere, controlling of my emotions (thats kinda hard too), living so that everyone can see Jesus living in me.

I have to admit that many times i fail, today has been a very trying day at work and the past two days have felt like a whole week lol. And I caught myself thinking negatively about others, I asked forgiveness for the frustration and negative feelings and looked to God to replace those. I gotta admit, it dint come to me at the time, i had to experience those feelings and blow off a lil steam, then i had to seek forgiveness.

Now, I am sure if I really researched this in the Bible the answers would be there, but im really hoping me bros and sis's will help me out on this one!!! Please help a tired goldie out and lemme know ur idea of what it means to live as a temple of the Holy Spirit... i luvs u all much

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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:37 pm

hey 'welcome' sis *hug5*

ohhh thoughts are soo hard eh ...
And I caught myself thinking negatively about others,

i heard someone once say ... if you don't choose your own thoughts, satan will choose them for you...

i like that thought, its kinda like going on the offensive rather than the defensive *dunno* if that does anything for ya.

i love your open and honest spirit sis ... transparency is my favourite thing about YOU *hug*

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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