Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who would like to share thoughts and faith which will enhance Spiritual Growth.


Postby goldieluvs » Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:04 pm

Everyone welcome to the forum. I have been feeling quite convicted lately of the need to make some changes in my lifestyle because of Holy Spirit in me. It dwelling place of God. I tried hard to make changes on my own (they failed). God intervened with the Being Accountable forum which inspired this forum. This is a place where we all can be honest about where we are, what we need, what we see we need help with, We are to lift each other up continually so that we may all fight the good fight. Hence, My body, His Temple. My body is not mine. It belongs to God. I need to treat it as such. My prayer is that this helps us all to allow God to rule our bodies, minds, hearts. So, please jump in with anything on your heart or mind and together lets look for some God solutions!
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:40 pm

Goldie!!!! ;)

hey sis im so excited about this!

My body His temple!
Something regarded as having within it a divine presence.

He is in us! Wonderful but yet just a lil scary, i say that honestly because if i invited God over my apartment for a dinner i would make sure the house was clean before i was expecting Him, i would have an abundant harvest set aside for Him to enjoy for His Glory, i would have incense and sweet smells going through the apartment. I would try my best to make HIm feel at home when He gets here. etc...

I dont know about yall but my apartment or body has some "cob webs" here or there that i missed. And I still have to sort through some of my "things" to see what is trash and what i should keep. I ve planted a few "seeds" for the harvest but surley not as much as i should of. I still have a few spoiled things in the "refrigerator" that need to be disposed of and their "containers" need to be thoroughly washed and put in their proper places.

The point is as much as i say it , my body is a temple, i still dont realy grasp the whole thing as much as i should. God is already here, what have i done lately to make HIm feel at home?

Something i think we all can ponder on...

"what have we done in His temple to make Him feel at home?" and better yet "what can we do in His temple to make Him feel more at home?"

Love ya all
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby goldieluvs » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:15 pm

rofl Jill when i read the first part of ur post i busted out laughing cuz i looked around my house at the total mess and thought oh my and then like u i knew He was here allready!!!

On a more serious note, you are so right and i love the pondering part. and I dont fully grasp it either, i think maybe its an ongoing process. And maybe this is gonna spill over into being accountable cuz i think they go hand in hand, once we figure out what we need and how to go about doing it then we need to become accountable, so i am sorta seeing this more as a prelude to Being Accountable forum. When i first saw what you said about what can we do in His temple to make Him feel more at home, that overwhelmed me, but thinking further maybe just one step at a time, one day at a time, turn one thing over to Him and not take it back. Do our part. Hmm something im gonna ponder on more and pray about and then well, it will be in the being accountable forum later!!! luvs u much
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