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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:41 pm

HOORAY golds !!! whats your game plan ? and you said you gonna need help ... what can i do?
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:26 am

well goldie locks!!!! TODAY is your big day .... as a past smoker, how can i encourage you??

OK, that feeling that crawls up your spine ..... DOES GO AWAY!! (infact, if you loosely 'log' your cravings, you can see the pattern that satan uses; he will change his pattern, but you'll be able to pick it up again) *laughter*

your not just battling the craving for tabacco, its also the extra chemicals they put in them ... to keep you addicted. pffft ... i saw a show once that it takes only about 3 days for your body to stop craving the actual 'natural' tar and nic. ... however, what man - ufacturing has done with the chemicals ... takes 3 months!!! good grief ... and it surely feels like its never gonna end !!! knowing this knowledge helped me little, because it peeved me.

my biggest help was/is a ..... geographical shift (or doing something small) by that i mean, if i'm reading in the living room i will move to the dining room, or play a game of cards with one of the kids, or take the dog for a short walk, .... it definitely is a battle you win in the mind LOL sometimes when i'm feeling really angry over a craving ... i will walk outside and stand exactly where i used to stand while i was smoking .... and intercede....for ME. ..... do battle directly with satan.

i believe satan wants to keep you addicted for a number of reasons, but first and foremost because its a cycle he suck you into. they cycle of failure and guilt.

i will end with what i started with ... that crawling feeling that slithers up your spine .... DOES GO AWAY ... don't believe that it will last forever ... when i first quit .... it came about every 45 mins ..... then it would leave and only be about every 2 or 3 hours .... then back for every 10 MINS!! then it shifted to every 4 or five hours .... do you see the pattern.

thank you Lord that we can come to you, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ... you've blessed us with power from YOU, that same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead .... i call that power from heaven and all the heavenly beings right now, by the birthright i have in Jesus .... spiritual blessings and peace on my sister .... *hug*
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Postby JCsmediator » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:39 am

Good morn'n sisters ...

Goldie I like to also encourage you with a few things I did ...

I smoked many yrs and not smoked now since I was 28 and I am 45 now and Praise God that I hate them as I do ...

I guess I got to a point in my life they didn't even taste good and I really hated the smell ...

but I couldn't quit! It was the habbit part I could not break ...

I too agree with Lion sis the chemicals are addicting and have to flush it out my system sooooo I had been seeking God to keep giving me ways and stregnth and I was one day at the heath food store well its a homeopathy and they had these minty flavored tooth picks and I was told take vitamin B complex to help in the process and they do have a natural liquid stuff you can buy that supose to help too but I just bought the minty tooth picks cuz I too smoked NEW PORTS MENTHALATUM...

Sooooooo Praise God!!! Tha helped the nerve habbit and helped me replace that nervous feeling of wanting to have something in my mouth and hand every hour or half hour cuz I tooo could easily be a chain smoker if I had let myslf ...

especially going out back then and drinking and club scene it all added to the smoking thank God I also believe cold turkey was the only way and once I had them tooth picks the mint taste helped me alot and chewing at the time doublemint gum they probrably have better minty gum now but whatch the chemicla ones they add all that whitening and just chemicals they add today are not good for ur body ...

If ya have a homeOpathy food store near ya I say go browse and ask questions they will guide ya along and if ya need one I dont know if mines ships out stuff but if you call in and ask what you can do to help ya stop they help with just about everything only all natural they will tell you on phone I keep them on phone line and ask what can I take for this and that and they have medical heath books they go to and share back what natural product recommended its really cool and I never gave ya the name of that book either ...

Ill post both them here too...

but the minty tooth picks was something I walked around with and chewed on LOL looked a lil funny but it worked and chewing minty gum and dranks lots of spring water it helped flush out the nic and tar and what ever chemiclas in my body butdoing all that made me feel better took about 5 days and I was on my way ...

Praise God haven't touched a thing since 28 amen

but I did start drinking wine like almost 4 yrs ago when I went thru my divorse and I sparadically have a glass of sangria which the one I buy is all natural fruity ...

Cuz I don't drink hard liquior ...

God delivered me from them ciggs and sooo many and will you too!

O kay here is the name of my Homeopathy ...
Great American Natural Products Inc.
4121 16TH St N
St Petersburg, FL 33703-5607
Phone: (727) 521-4372

(just realized this may not be allowed adding the info? I didnt add addy but I will check and if not I will send it to any who like it in PM k ty )

and that book is kinda old but they may have updated versions not sure but here it is ...

How the World Will End ... GUIDE TO SURVIVAL Salem Kirban

I know some authors may not be all scriptual and can mislead so read and you discern always with Holy Spirit k

I bought it many yrs ago when I first got into the END-TIMEs...

GB u Gold and amen to all have a AWEsome DAY in our AWEsome LORD!
Sis JCs
Last edited by JCsmediator on Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby goldieluvs » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:07 pm

awwww i dint make it. Not long at all me sistas. Ima working on a game plan, gonna have some hard candies to chew on. God help me, tomorrow!!! Today was sooooo bad at work and soooo overwhelming. Worried about my job, i been there almost four years but theres some issues with billing and the company being in crisis financially, so im just praying i keep me job. Im trying hard to do the job they want me to do. I just so busy all da time it seems like. Anyways, im praying and ima try and catch up on some of da paperwork tonight if i can, i sooo tired. i dint hardly stop at all. But tomorrow is a new day and i guess i go to Wal Mart and get some candies, sheepy i think i try some Vitamin B, i allready take multivitamin and fish oil but hey if it helps me to stop. i do it *run*

*HippiePeace* and thanks for the encouragement, im sorry i let everyone down, God yall and me. :(
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Postby JCsmediator » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:04 pm

Another day sis God has given us and all we can do is try our best amen

Juts don't get so hard on self but Holy Spirit will keep helping you and together you will beat this amen!

And as far as the B complex I would not take it if you are taking a multivitamin that may be to much but if you wanted to find out more you can call that place I shared on here or any pharamacist or ur doc and ask them they may have a multivitamin just for smoking or they may share what else you could take ...

ok sis GB u and keep ya strong and in His Will and all the good stuff wooooooooooo ...

and praying for you as it took me a while I had relapses and even went back after God had delivered me and used to have my kids hide my ciggs and throw them away and buy more and I mean It can be hard habbit to break ...

but never for God and you togsther and it will happen Praiseing God for ur deliverance already!

luv ya sis JCs *hug* GWBD IJNA
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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:09 pm

OHMY SISTA ... never mind!!!

your just not ready yet .... as i've said before and still maintain to this day ... addictions are very personal, thats why there are soooo many ideas and products for quitting.

there was one thing ... ONE thing that ONE person did for me ... and that was my husband; who was the real hard core smoker between the two of us ... he smoked 1 1/2 packs a day ... i smoked about 2 packs a week ... anyway ... we quit together 4 years ago ... his idea not mine (its usually my idea, in the past) i only made it about 7 months ... and it sheer torture every day to not smoke.... yet, i saw it getting easier and easier for him???i didn't understand, especially at the time ... I WAS THE SAVED ONE .. and here was this stinking heathen ... beating me at this!!!! anyway things went from bad to worse for me ... and he went and bought me a pack and opened it up, put one in my mouth and lit it ... and said, "smoke it, its not your time yet, you weren't ready"

some might read that and think "RIIIIIIGHT, thats love ... getting your wife to smoke", thats ok. when i think of all the people in past who put pressure on me to quit ... they actually reinforced the addiction ... by telling me how bad it was, blah, blah, blah ... like i didn't know that. anyway, back to the one person ... now that ONE person ... helps me tremendously ... when i think of him ... not putting ANY pressure WHATSOEVER ...

honestly, i don't know why it works that way with addictions ... or maybe its just with my addiction that it worked that way ?? *dunno*

you go ahead and puff away sis, i know that your heart is good and you are following the Lord and when He wants you to quit .... He will convict you ... not someone else. and you know what the kewl thing is about HIS conviction ..... IT STICKS!!

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph
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Postby flutemusic67 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:27 pm

Awwww goldie golderson! You will make it! I have faith in you. Just gotta find the strength. Pray about it, sister. *Pray*

Lion wrote:
.. and here was this stinking heathen ... beating me at this!!!!
rofl rofl stinking heathen lol

Love youse guys.

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