Christianity Oasis Forum
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Sept 3
Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins
are covered.
Romans 4:7, New International Version
All of us as Christians accept that Jesus died for our sins and in accepting Him into our hearts, our sins are forgiven. But what about forgiving ourselves?
Personally I have a problem with this. Satan constantly brings to my mind my past sins.
I would like feedback on how to deal with this? How do you forgive yourself?
Does the failure of forgiving ourselves hold us back in serving Christ?
I feel it can. What are your thoughts?
Luv Ya
are covered.
Romans 4:7, New International Version
All of us as Christians accept that Jesus died for our sins and in accepting Him into our hearts, our sins are forgiven. But what about forgiving ourselves?
Personally I have a problem with this. Satan constantly brings to my mind my past sins.
I would like feedback on how to deal with this? How do you forgive yourself?
Does the failure of forgiving ourselves hold us back in serving Christ?
I feel it can. What are your thoughts?
Luv Ya
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