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Fact-founded Faith

Postby Netchaplain » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:47 pm

Reckoning does not produce the blessings of God but appropriates them into practice. Saints are not dead to sin by reckoning it so, because it’s the work of Christ that has effected this power within the believer at rebirth. But reckoning puts this truth into practice (same for all blessings) within the mind and in the walk (for spiritual growth) by realizing (reckoning) it is already so. - NC

Fact-founded Faith

The only thing the believer is enjoined to do, in view of his death in Christ unto sin is to reckon himself to be dead unto it; not, indeed, to reckon sin to be dead, but to count himself, being in Christ and a partaker of all that He wrought in the judgment of sin, to be dead to it. Apart from such reckoning (as is in unbelievers—NC) it is clearly implied that sin, as a living force within, will reign in the mortal body (Rom 6:11, 12).

The fact that the old man is judged is a revelation of supreme importance and speaks of the Father’s faithfulness on behalf of His loved ones; but He also reveals to them the knowledge of His measureless provision for their growth and daily walk. The record concerning Christ’s death unto sin is not given merely to enlarge the individual’s knowledge of historical facts; it is given that he may be assured that there is deliverance from the reigning power of sin, as once unbelievers were assured through the revelation of the fact that Christ died for their sins that there is salvation from the penalty of sin.

The death of Christ unto sin is the ground of a great confidence. Thus it may be concluded that the divine provision for the believer’s deliverance from the dominion (same as “reign” in Rom 6:12, 14—NC) of indwelling sin is twofold, namely, (a) a legal and righteous judgement of the old man and (b) the gift of the indwelling, liberating (2 Cor 3:17) Spirit of God.

In gaining a deliverance from the power of sin, the believer’s responsibility is stated in one word—faith, a faith which not only reckons one to be dead to sin, but alive unto God (Rom 6:13 – just as rebirth severs us from sin, it simultaneously unites us to God—NC). Naught else remains for believers to do (concerning effecting this state—NC) since, as above stated, God had provided the righteous ground upon which the deliverance may be wrought by the Spirit and has caused that same liberating Spirit to indwell them for this very purpose.

The requirement is not an act of faith, such as once secured regeneration; it is an attitude of faith, which is maintained throughout each succeeding day—a walk of faith (everything believers do concerning the revealed will of God in Scripture is through faith—NC). To walk by means of, or in dependence on the Spirit is to be delivered from the lust of the flesh (Gal 5:16). Here, as a life principle of procedure, faith is as always, opposite to human works. The apostle Paul testified that the result of his struggle, when he strove in his own strength to realize spiritual ideals, was utter failure and he could only conclude that to will was present with him, but how to perform that which is good he found not (Rom 7:18).

“Oh, wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death” (Rom 7:24)? The answer to this great question and cry of distress is given in the following verse: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom 8:2). This is more than a deliverance from the Law of Moses: it is deliverance from the power of sin and death (its results – Rom 6:23). The effect of this deliverance is indicated by the blessedness recorded in the eighth chapter, as in contrast to the wretchedness recorded in the seventh chapter.

The helpless and defeated “I” (old man—NC) is in evidence in the one case, and the sufficient and liberated “I” (new man—NC) by the Spirit, is in evidence in the other. The believer is, then, to be delivered by the “law (or power) of the Spirit.” But attention must be called to the fact, stated in 7:25, which is “through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The Christian is delivered by the Spirit, but the deliverance is made righteously possible through Jesus Christ our Lord, because of the believer’s identification with Him in His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and ascension.

- L S Chafer

Excerpt from MJS devotional for July 18:

“When once we see and accept our Father’s purpose for our lives to the extent that it becomes our will also, the time and details of His process cease to matter. Thy will be done” (Lk. 11:2). – MJS

The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; 'no longer I, but Christ.'" -MJS
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