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Dicipline. Which one?

Postby DicipleofJesus » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:01 pm

At a given point in Matthew, Jesus gave an invitation: "Come to Me all you who are Heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke (dicipline) for Mine is light and I am gentle in Spirit. I was gung ho for this months back. Then came the distractions and I wound up with other desires pertinent to the more diificult yokes out there. But again I realise that I want Jesus' yoke. I don't want the yoke of the Church because it has too many manmade components to it that distract from what Jesus is about. In many cases I don't want the yoke of other Christians. Some are almost cultic with the manmade components of Christianity to the point that they unknowingly sabotage the message of Salvation because these manmade components render Jesus a Sinner, unable to die for our sins. Because only a righteous man can do that. Bring up this defense and the christians look to a more esteemed "Christian to defend these manmade components of Christianity that are not Biblically based and promote fear of others instead of fear of God who can destroy both body and soul in Hell. As for me I'm feeling heavy laden again, and only Jesus can help with that. So it is back to Matthew for me.
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