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Casting Crowns

Postby Dora » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:51 am

Hope was found 8 days old wrapped in a red blanket outside a hospital. It’s such an amazing story of this broken little girl being abandoned out in the middle of the night somewhere in China.

Mark Hall (lead singer of Casting Crowns) and his wife adopted Hope when she was 2.

The biggest spiritual lesson God taught me happened once I got to China. People had warned me that a lot of these little girls have never even seen a man before so they’re a little shy about dads. I mentally prepared myself for this. Hope bonded pretty quickly to Melanie. She would let me give her things but if I tried to pick her up she would cry.

That was pretty tough. After six days of not being able to hold her, I said: “God, we’ve come halfway around the world, we’ve given of ourselves, we’ve given of our resources, I’m doing everything I can and she won’t let me hold her. All she’ll let me do is just give her stuff, but she won’t let me hold her.”

In that moment, God said to me, “So how does it feel?”

That was so touching to me that I had to share it.

Hope begins testing at the children's hospital today and tomorrow. Please keep Hope and her family in prayers.
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Re: Casting Crowns

Postby Lani » Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:44 pm

Amen :)

Beautiful, absolutely Beautiful

Thanks for shairng sis

Prayers for God's Will are rising.

Luv y'all

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Re: Casting Crowns

Postby Timothy » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:14 am


Thank you for sharing that.

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